𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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-Shattered (Part two)-

Chapter Name:
\\ Little Things \\


Before Prism Shatter

TAILS HAD A MORE serious look on his face as rides on his Tornado airplane, with Y/n sitting down behind him. She stood up as she points to where Sonic is, who was fighting a robot. Which was most likely one of Eggman's attempt to try to destroy Sonic, again. "There he is" Y/n calls out. Tails nods as he takes a sharp turn to head to where Sonic is. Y/n sighs, "What's Eggman planning this time? We were supposed to have our annual movie night" Y/n mutters, crossing her arms as she slumps in her seat.

Tails chuckles as he sees the girl from the corner of his eye, "Don't worry, Y/n. We'll still have time, we'll kick Eggman's sorry butt like always" Tails beams. Causing Y/n to giggle as an amused grin was now on her lips.

"Come on, Egghead! Show me what you got!" Sonic shouts as he avoids all of Eggman's attacks. "That's the spirit, rodent. The spirit of a loser!" Eggman exclaims, grinning evilly. "Takes one to know one!" Sonic retorts as he continues to dodge Eggman's attacks and hits the robot in the process.

Below them, Amy and Knuckles were fighting a few robots placed by Eggman. "Why do I feel like Eggman's keeping us off the main stage?" Amy ponders as she uses her hammer to knock a few robots down. Knuckles runs down towards her, "Eggman's got us fighting the badniks so he can have Sonic to himself." Knuckles presumes, punching the robots that are in his way. The two then began to climb up, heading towards Sonic and Eggman, "Let's go crash his show!" Amy exclaims as they both continue to destroy the robots in their way.

Meanwhile, Tails and Y/n look towards where Sonic is, who kicked Eggman while probably saying an egg pun. Eggman however, stood slightly close to the edge, Y/n raises her brow suspiciously as she narrows her eyes at the robot, "What's Eggman doing?" Y/n mutters as she looks at them confused. "I don't like this," Tails trails off as he looks at his gadget. Y/n looks at him, gesturing him to continue, "Dr. Eggman's too smart not to realize how terribly positioned he is." Tails adds, still looking at his gadget. Y/n looks at the scene again, realizing it, "Yeah, you're right, but what's Eggman trying to accomplish here?" Y/n questions as she looks at the gadget again, not realizing how close she was towards Tails, seeing the helmet turning red. "It's almost as if--"

Both their eyes widened in realization, gasping, "--he's not in there!" They both say in unison. They didn't realize how close their faces were as they backed away, unknown to them, their cheeks flushing to a shade a pink. Y/n clears her throat, "C-come on! Let's warn Sonic!" Y/n exclaims. Tails nods as he turns his attention to his plane and starts going towards Sonic. Using the plane, Tails starts to shoot lasers, with Y/n helping since Tails had installed another shooting control range for her. "It's a trap, Sonic!" Tails shouts, "It's a trap!" Y/n adds, shouting.

Sonic looks at his surroundings, "I don't see a trap, though I guess by definition I wouldn't see a trap if there was one" Sonic trails off. Eggman then began to laugh, causing Sonic to glare at him as he gets in a battle stance, "Something funny, Egghead?" Sonic spat. The robot points to him, "You are! Watching you try to think with that two-cent brain of yours is hilarious!" Eggman sneers.

Both Tails and Y/n look over at the scene, "Sonic! You gotta listen! It's a trap!" Tails shouts. Y/n nods, "Let it go, Sonic! It's a trap! Don't fall for it!" Y/n adds. Eggman glares as the robot began to shoot lasers towards the two, with Tails managing to dodge each attack, with Amy and Knuckles staring at the scene in awe.

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