𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱

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-Shattered (finale)-

Chapter Name:
\\ Capture \\


THE TRIO WERE BACK in Nine's workshop. While Nine was busy working, both Sonic and Y/n were eyeing his workshop more closely. It was almost like Tails' workshop, except less dark and gritty. She couldn't help but reminisce all of their moments here together; The number of times they've joked here, the endless inventing they'd do together, and the ceaseless times they've talked about almost anything and never get bored of each other's presence.

It was nice, and it was something she dearly missed.

She softly chuckles, but then frowns. Almost everything here reminded her of Tails, her Tails. The same Tails she basically almost grew up with.  She then pulls out the note he had given her, as she reread the note, a small smile crept up her face, along with tinted pink cheeks. She sighs, tugging on the note, "Please be okay, wherever you are..." Y/n mumbles.

"I, uh, like them, but the way" She heard Sonic say. Quickly, she stuffs the note into her pouch and walks towards the two boys. "Those ratty old sneakers? Obviously" Nine sassed rolling his eyes, causing Y/n to lightly snicker at his comment.

Sonic shook his head, "No. I mean, I always thought your extra tail was cool, but the metal ones? Man you're amazing." Sonic complements. Y/n nods in agreement, "I've always admired your intelligence, but, wow, you really are incredible" Y/n trails off.

Nine's cheek dusted to a light pink, clearly not used to all these compliments being thrown at him. He clears his throat, still focusing on his invention, "Uh, sure" Nine responds skeptically, "One last touch." As he finishes the small kinks, he shows them the circular devices on his hands, "Attach these, they might be able to regulate the excess energy coming from your gear so they don't explode." Nine bluntly instructs.

Both Sonic and Y/n look at each other then back at Nine, "Might?" They question. Using his mechanical tails, Nine attaches them to his gloves and shoes, "This energy is still a mystery." As Nine finishes attaching them, small sparks of blue light began to appear, cackling with energy as a sound was then heard. Y/n glances at Nine, noticing how he slightly backed away, "Nine, what's happening?" She questions.

When he didn't respond, Y/n tried to get a bit close, only to pause when he uses his arm to stop her, "Stay back" he mutters, not breaking eye contact with Sonic. As they both stare at the hedgehog, they then see Sonic radiating. Blue light started to appear, as both Nine and Y/n uses their arm to cover their eyes.

"Whoa! What are these?" They hear Sonic exclaim. As the two uncover their eyes, they see Sonic wearing completely different shoes and gloves. Y/n chuckles in amazement, "Whoa! Talk about an upgrade!" Y/n comments. Sonic runs around the workshop for a bit, "No energy overflow and the look! I mean come on! Mwah!" Sonic beams. Y/n giggles at her friend's behavior, "Definitely a slight improvement" She playfully winks, pointing at him. "Though I will miss the iconic look"

Nine, however, had a finger at his chin, analyzing what just happened, "Ah, curious. They're still your gloves and shoes. Only now they seem to have attuned with the energy in your body instead of resisting it." Nine concludes, "I wonder why that is?" Nine ponders. Y/n began to think a bit as-well, keeping Nine's explanation in mind.

"Oh-ho! These are killer!" Sonic chimes in, still admiring his best friend's invention, "No more slipping and sliding, no smoke! Thanks Tails-" Sonic immediately realizes his slip-up and recovers when he notices the puzzle look on Nine's face and Y/n's raised brow. "I mean Nine! Time for a test drive!" Sonic exclaims as he runs out.

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