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Childish giggling and laughing caught April's attention as she walked through the academy hallways. They were coming from the first floor, the entrance to be exact. April walked to the edge of the balcony, surrounding the first floor and doors, and saw Sloane letting Luther out.

Sloane helped Luther exit the academy quietly before closing the door with a bright smile on her face. April giggled at her reaction and Sloane spotted her. "April! April, wait!" Sloane ran up the stairs to April, trying to catch up with her.

"Honey, I can't believe it!" April couldn't control her laughter. "Did you give him Stockholm syndrome or something? You two moved so fast!"

"Hey, listen," Sloane came closer to her sister, putting her hands on her shoulders. "Don't tell a single soul you saw us together, okay? If anyone finds out, Ben especially, we're screwed."

"Your secret's safe with me," April assured her. "But did Ben let him go though? Or was this your first move as a rebel?"

Sloane tilted her head and laughed at April's mocky joke. "Haha, very funny, but, yeah," She heavily sighed, letting go of April's shoulders. "He was stubborn about it, but he did. It was quite weird though because Ben promised to keep him long and now, not even a full day later, he let him out. Did you do anything?"

"What?" April furrowed her eyebrows. "No, why would that be the first thing you assume?"

"Well, because..." Sloane struggled to find the right words. "He only listens to you when we ask something. Besides, you two had a thing..."

"Exactly - had." April corrected her. "We have nothing between us, you know how much I hate him." She crossed her hands on her chest and sighed. "Which is exactly why we need Marcus back."

"What?" Sloane looked at her confused.

"Ben thinks he's the one in charge while Marcus's gone, but if Marcus comes back, Ben will stop with his act and we can move on," April explained. "Because he really began to take control, far more than before. Get it?"

"Oh, you're right!" Sloane finally understood it. "But how do we get Marcus back? Ben said we can't go to the Umbrellas."

April chuckled at her comment. "Seriously? Since when do even care what Ben says?"


"You think dad is capable of killing innocent people?" April heard Klaus talking as she walked up the stairs to the pool table lounge.


"Oh, it's Murder City, buddy."

She finally reached them and as soon as she stepped foot onto their floor, all of their eyes landed on her. She kept scouting for Five, but he was nowhere to be found among his siblings or what was left of them, judging by the fact only four remained.

BETRAYED BY LOVE, number fiveWhere stories live. Discover now