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"Oh, my gosh, I can't believe it!" April happily giggled, embracing Sloane in a hug. "I told you, you were going to be the first to get married, men always go after blondes."

"Oh, yeah?" Sloane squinted her eyes and mockingly pointed at her. "Then explain how I find you in bed with Five?"

"Shush!" April put a finger on her mouth and chuckled even if there was no one around them that could hear them. "It was nothing special..."

"Well, I do want to have something special with you," Sloane walked over to the table in her hotel room and poured some wine into two glasses. "As sisters." She raised the two glasses up, giving one to April.

"Don't you think I'm too young to drink?" April joked around, inspecting the glass.

"Don't pretend like you didn't use to steal dad's liquor when we were young," Her sister reminded. "He always wondered why it would go missing every Friday."

"You drank it too, you were my accomplice," The girl wasn't letting down. She raised her glass up with a proud look. "Sisters?"

The two women clinked their glasses and took a first taste of it. But Sloane quickly put it down as she realized something. "Oh! I wanted to give you this later, but I just have to see if it fits you so I could fix it later."

April followed her with her eyes, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. "Okay...what is it?"

Sloane had the brightest smile on her face, barely managing to keep it together because of the excitement. Carefully not taking her gaze off April to see her full reaction, the blonde pulled out a silky red dress from the closet and showed it off.

"I figured this would look good on you because those red sparrow uniforms always did," Sloane happily explained. "But-but if it's going to be too big, don't worry, I can put a few pins and fix it."

April covered her mouth with her hand and put the glass of wine on a nearby cabinet. "Oh, my God, Sloane, it's beautiful!" She walked over to her sister and inspected the dress in her hands. 

"April, will you..." Sloane's breath hitched at the question. "Will you be my maid of honor?"

Having to hold back tears of joy, April let out a soft chuckle. "I think you forgot how we both made a deal to be each other's maids of honor when we were twelve."

Sloane gasped at remembering such a memory and laughed. "No, I didn't! Well, then you have no choice, you will be my maid of honor whether you like it or not." She sarcastically shrugged.

The two sisters helped each other slip into their dresses, knowing the wedding was in an hour and began to get ready for a day the two had only told imaginative love stories. April's dress fit her like a glove, highlighting every curve of her body.

BETRAYED BY LOVE, number fiveWhere stories live. Discover now