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April didn't know how long she had been sleeping, and neither did she know what time it was when she woke up. All she was aware of was that this sleep was the best one yet. 

The light shining through the windows seemed way too bright than she remembered. The girl rubbed her eyes open and when she saw in which bed she was, the memories came flooding back to her. 

After pulling off the covers she had gotten herself into during her sleep, she walked over to the bathroom and began to wash her face in ice-cold water. It instantly helped just as she heard a whoosh sound somewhere nearby.

Five walked over to the bed and after not seeing April in it, his eyes landed on her in the bathroom. "Hey there." He leaned against the threshold, looking over at her.

"Oh," April quickly wiped her face off with a nearby towel and smiled at him. "Hey. Where were you the entire time?"

The boy squinted his eyes in confusion. "How long do you think you slept for?"

"I...I don't know, I was..." April embarrassingly chuckled. 

"Pretty wasted? Yeah, I know," Five finished the sentence for her, making her anxiety go away in a second. "Don't worry, it was only one night, you didn't miss too much."

"Really? Felt like at least a few days to me," April nodded in response.

Five slightly smiled as well until the realization hit him. "So, listen," He cleared his throat, wishing he knew how to start this. "I didn't tell you what I needed to last night."

"Oh, yeah, I remember," April's smile vanished and she got more serious. "You can tell me now though."

"It's going to be a lot to take in, April," The boy warned her. 

"Sooner or later, you'll have to tell me it," The girl shrugged and walked out of the bathroom, and sat down on the bed. She looked up at him and crossed her hands on her stomach. "So do it now."

Five sighed heavily to himself, following April's footsteps and sitting down next to her. He couldn't even bear to look at her, knowing what he'll have to say next.

"Hey, whatever it is, I'm sure I'll understand," April reassuringly smiled. "It can't be worse than learning you have four days left to live."

The boy looked up at her with a look she understood instantly - it was worse than that. The last of the joy she had disappeared from her face and April got more serious.

"I found out the reason why you haven't been aging," Five managed to start. He looked up at her from the ground with a regretful look. "And...more."

April's breath hitched as she took a deep breath in to prepare herself. "Okay...what is it?"

"It''s because you..." No matter how much Five tried to continue, he couldn't bring himself to tell her it all. "It's because you were killed."

Staring at him in confusion for a moment, April scoffed and shook her head. "By-by who?"

BETRAYED BY LOVE, number fiveWhere stories live. Discover now