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"It all occurred over a short period of time, Number Five, I don't blame you for your actions," The Handler walked around her desk with a cigarette in her hands and sat down in her chair. "Anyone in your place would have reacted the same way."

"But I had a chance to save her," Number Five disagreed, looking down at the ground in shame. "I needed to save her, that's what partners are supposed to do."

"Considering what the circumstances were at that time, you had no way of helping her," The Handler continued convincing him in her hypnotizing tone. "You're innocent, Number Five."

Sitting in The Handler's guest chair in front of her desk, Number Five couldn't bear to look at his boss. "I could have turned back time and the both of us could have completed this mission..."

"Number Five, I don't think you understand what happened," The Handler put out her cigarette and leaned in closer to him. "If you were to turn back time, there would have been a major collision in the time continuum. Not to mention, it wouldn't have been possible to complete the mission because of the defects."

But no matter how much The Handler tried to help him, Number Five's mind was set and nothing could change it. 

The Handler slowly stood up from the chair and smiled. "You saved the lives of millions of people because of one's person's death - let that sink in. You're a professional, Number Five," She gracefully walked around the table, dragging her hand along the surface. "You did the right thing - you did your job."

"And I killed the closest person to me," Number Five added. "April didn't deserve this."

The Handler had one more thing up her sleeve which she kept to herself as the last solution. "Let me spare you your pain, Number Five. You shouldn't be feeling guilty or remorseful, you're a hero."

Number Five shook his head at those words, he could never proclaim himself to be that. The Handler walked around him and put her hands on his shoulders in a comforting way.

"I'll erase your memory of this," She whispered into his year. "So you can live a long and fulfilling life, while I give April a second chance at life."

He turned around to look at her with hope in his eyes. "Then just save her and leave me how I am right now."

"I'm afraid that's not possible, Number Five," The Handler walked away from him, making sure to touch his shoulders. "I can't help April if you know what happened. That's against the protocol."

Number Five collapsed into his seat in defeat, thinking of the possibilities of what he can do. "So, what are my options?"

"Well, I can leave you in grief and April dead or I can give her a new life in a new timeline with new circumstances, but erase any memory of this for you."

"So..." Number Five struggled to get the words out. "I'll forget her completely?"

"I'm afraid so," The Handler tilted her head and leaned against her desk. "I think you know what to choose then."


BETRAYED BY LOVE, number fiveWhere stories live. Discover now