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When the sky above them was falling down and the Kugelblitz could be seen right from the backyard of the banquet hall, the Hargreeves all gathered outside to spend their last night as a family. Diego, Lila, Viktor, and Five were already sitting as April walked out with the seventh glass of champagne of the evening.

"Oh, why are y'all frowning, hmm?" She chuckled, struggling to walk over to them, slurring her words and looking as if she had two left feet. "Why the sad faces, huh?"

"Well, like husband, like wife," Lila watched how April acted and smiled at the sight.

Diego furrowed his eyebrows at that. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you," Lila turned to him on his lap. "They were married in their past life. But don't tell 'em that, they'll want another wedding and this is one is more than enough." Luckily, the two kids didn't hear her.

Diego didn't question Lila's answer and watched the couple. April sat down next to Five, putting her head down on his shoulder as the boy wrapped his hand around her shoulders. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead as a sign of comfort.

"I can see us being together," Five told her. "We were probably a good duo."

"Definitely," April agreed with a giggle.

"Hey, guys," Luther greeted everyone as he and Sloane, wrapped up in her new husband's jacket, came over to the rest and sat down.

April watched the newlyweds share a kiss and smiled at the sight. "Do you think we were ever like that?"

Five gulped down his whiskey and looked over at them. "Of course," He turned to his girl. "Remember, I loved you like that once as well."

"So you don't love me the same way now?" April asked with a confused expression.

"No," Five shook his head with a smile. "I love you more."

As April smiled at his words, Klaus and Ben came strolling over to them. Everyone began to boo at them, letting out a bunch of "no's" and frustrated groans.

"Klaus, why are you bringing Ben here?" Five managed to get some words out after finishing the bottle. April gently hit the back of his head, making him chuckle at her reaction.

"The brother that you all knew as Ben," Klaus began to talk in a loud voice as if he was presenting something. "Is gone. And I don't mean our Ben, the nice Ben, I mean this Ben! The asshole, he's gone now!"

"Klaus, what are you talking about?" Luther asked, looking around at everyone in confusion.

"And the man that stands in front of you," Klaus ignored Luther's question and continued. "Is new new Ben, and he's one of us, and he's a member of the team. And he's part of the family!" The two drunk brothers said the last part together, laughing maniacally.

BETRAYED BY LOVE, number fiveWhere stories live. Discover now