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April wasn't ready to give up without a fight. Not yet, not after what she went through. After she heard and saw her siblings leave the academy, she began to search around her room for anything that could be useful. She quickly ran over to her vanity and began to search for bobby pins until she found one.

She tried using it to open the door, wiggling it inside the lock in every possible way before giving up. "Fuck! Why does it only work in movies?"

Next, she began to try to find something to break the lock. Turning her room upside down, rustling through every place imaginable, she rummaged through every piece of furniture she had until she found a big and thick book. "That should do it."

She walked over to her door and began to hit the doorknob with it. "Come on!" She hit it dozens of times, waiting for it to break until it finally did. "Yes!"

April ran out of her room across the academy and saw no one. Everyone was truly gone. She couldn't remember the last time the academy was that silent. April ran out of the house and to Hotel Obsidian as fast as she could. Finally, she reached the hotel and ran through the entrance, and saw Diego walking away from Stanley and Klaus over to the stairs.

"Diego?" April looked at him with more hope in her eyes than ever before.

"April?" He saw how distraught she looked, completely different than last time. "What happened? Where were you when your family attacked us?" He bombarded her with questions as the two walked over to each other.

"Not important, I was locked at the academy. Tell me, where is my family?" April quickly asked him. "They're not home and they're not here, so tell me, please."

"April, it's..." How was Diego supposed to tell her that two of her siblings had died, they took one with them and the rest fled? "It's complicated."

"Then explain it to me!" April desperately pleaded. "Diego, I have the right to know where my family is."

Diego thought about it for a second. "I can take you to Sloane."

"You have Sloane?" April's eyes went wide. "You what, took her hostage or something?"

"Do you want to see her or not?" Diego asked her again.

"I don't want to, I need to!" April said and walked past him but not for long because he caught up with her quickly.

Diego showed the way over to their room and opened the door for April to walk in. Her eyes immediately landed on Sloane and Luther sitting together on the couch.

"April." Sloane turned to look at her sister.

But it was clear April wasn't as happy as Sloane to see her. The last time she saw her sister was when she was helplessly standing when she needed support the most. "What happened to you?" April sternly asked, walking over to them.

BETRAYED BY LOVE, number fiveWhere stories live. Discover now