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"In here, come on!" April saw an opened door to the laundromat and motioned for her family to follow her. "Take cover, we need to hide."

The four of them ran over to the washing machines stacked in the middle of the room and hid behind them. They could hear the guardian swinging their sword behind them, ready for the final battle. 

"Hiding here isn't going to do anything!" Ben told the girl as they all tried to catch their breath.

"Yeah, you got a better idea?" April asked him.

Ben ignored her and turned to Five. "You've hit him with your ax five times. He should be dead by now."

"It's the armor, it's like hitting cement," Five explained.

"There's a space between the backplates," Sloane remembered.

"Then that's our target," April said, trying to carefully look behind herself to see the guardian.

"We need to get behind him," Five got ready to stand up with the ax in his hands.

"Let's kill this thing!" Sloane didn't bother waiting for another second and stood up, running past them and on the walls.

Five tried to stop her, but it was no use. So, he jumped and left Ben and April behind the washing machines. As Sloane ran sideways on the wall, the guardian threw his knife at her and slashed her side, making her fall to the ground in pain.

He walked over to her, swinging his weapon in the air, just as Five jumped behind him and tried to swing the ax at him. But the guardian was smart and felt his presence behind him, punching him across the face and sending him across the room.

"Shit, that's my call," April watched everything unfold in a matter of seconds. "If I don't come back, you know what to do."

"Wait, no, April!" Ben tried to stop her but it was too late.

April stood up from the ground and sent her shadows to the guardian, but he was swift and pierced his sword right through it. She wailed in pain, not giving up yet and ordering another one to charge, but the creature did the same with it.

The guardian began to approach her, swinging his sword in the air and getting ready, before Ben rose up from the ground and let his tentacles out. The rest watched him wrap them around it, trapping it and not letting it go.

Just as they were given a sign of hope and Five was already reaching for his ax, the guardian cut Ben's tentacles and let him fall down. Everyone watched in horror how the creature began to walk towards him.

But April did a solid for Five - she used her shadow, the last of it, to push the ax closer to him since she could see he was struggling. Five picked it up, exchanging one last look with her, before standing up from the ground and stabbing the guardian right in the back.

BETRAYED BY LOVE, number fiveWhere stories live. Discover now