Chapter 48. Admit

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In the hospital, we see addiction every day.

Elijah is in the kitchen finishing the dishes from the party, I sit on the dining room floor watching him.

Elijah says "The dinner was good"

"Yeah, but see Meredith and Derek break up friends"

It's shocking how many kinds of addiction exist.

Elijah approaches me "I see"

"Anything from Niklaus?"

"No, nothing"

It would be too easy if it was just drugs and booze and cigarettes.

I look around me at the presents "Will we open them now"

"Another day"

I think the hardest part of kicking a habit is wanting to kick it. I mean, we get addicted for a reason, right?

I open the presents "I can't sleep"

Elijah wipes my hair "Something bother you since we back from France"

Often...too often...things that start out as just a normal part of your life at some point cross the line to obsessive... compulsive... out of control.

"I don't feel that Niklaus's back to New Orleans is a good thing"

"Or me but as a family, we will stand together no matter what happened"

"You let me in"

"I let you in"

I felt sick "I will be right back"

I head to the bathroom and throw up blood and look at myself in the mirror and then wash my face

It's the high we're chasing, the high that makes everything else...fade away.

In the hospital, Cristina is at the nurse's station surrounded by appliances.

I walk up "Are these all, wedding gifts?"

Izzie says "Yes. She's giving them away."

Cristina says "I'm not giving you the Mixmaster."

Meredith says "I think the tradition is you're supposed to return them."

I say "Yes"

Cristina says "Well, Burke registered for this crap. Now I'm the one stuck dealing with it. So I'm using it for professional gain."

Mark walks up "You sure you're ready to part with this?"

Izzie says "She's not. I want it."

Cristina says "I am if I can help on the rhomboid flap in your next Mohs defect repair."

Mark says "Come to daddy."

Alex asks "You steal this stuff?"

Izzie says "Make her give me something."

Alex says "Give her something."

Izzie says "Give me the Mixmaster."

Cristina says "Face it. You have nothing I want."

I say "Great deal, make her want something from you and she will give the mixmaster to you, Iz"

Bailey walks up "Would you look at the residents? Big, snazzy residents, standing around playing with house wares."

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