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𝗔𝘂𝗴𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝟮𝟰𝘁𝗵, 𝟮𝟬𝟭𝟲
📍𝗕𝗿𝗼𝗻𝘅, 𝗡𝗬

yep same day.

After school ended I ended up leaving by myself and walking to a bodega to get the usual, chopped cheese extra lettuce and a Minute Maid orange juice.

see I know you might think I'm crazy, yea you reading this I know you might think I'm crazy but I'm going home to say my goodbyes to my dad. I know he a horrible ass person and all but I feel like the least I could do is say my goodbyes. I haven't really felt like myself so maybe being back at this house would bring me back.

I got off the elevator and went up to the door and knocked. I already knew who was gonna answer the door, she don't do shit anyways so of course. "I'm surprised you came" my mother said.

I didn't bother to say anything to her she ain't dying. I walked inside the depressing apartment and my father was sat on the couch. He didn't even look sick but my father wasn't the type to want people to sit around and look at him in pity.

"oh your back, you finally came to your senses and realized you need your family" he said as he stood up from the couch.

"I thought you were sick you don't look like you dyin" I said as I backed away. "Jayden what did you tell this girl" the man across from me asked. "I needed to persuade her to come so I had to say something because otherwise she wouldn't be here" Jayden said as he came from around the corner.

"So what? This was a set up?" I asked. "I mean if the shoe fits wear it" my mother said. "Where's Essence? She said she would be here after school." I asked as I started to grow nervous."oh dear she's in the bedroom" my demented mother said. "I'm leaving". "Nah lil sis you stayin ya ass right here. nigga kaykay can't save you now" Jayden said.

"y'all are demented as fuck on bro, why ya won't abandon me or something? Why do ya always wanna bring me pain? If ya gonna keep doin this just kill me I won't even scream. I'll do anything just for ya to stop chasing after me."

To be honest no one knew what I was going through, it was something much deeper than my family issues and them hating that I was getting older it was a problem within myself. I couldn't look at myself without pointing out something that I hated about myself it was becoming unbearable. My arms were now sliced in scars and the clothes I wore looked like they could fit a 300 pound man from all the weight that I had lost.

"I'm leaving stop bothering me and just leave me alone, I'd rather be dead than to ever mutter another word to you people."

And just like that I swiftly slipped out of the apartment door and began going down the elevator and out of their lives for good. I don't want to keep living a life full of misery I just want to finally feel free.

As I finally caught wind of reality I looked at my phone and saw the time read 3:08 p.m. there were countless amounts of texts and calls from Kay wondering what I was doing. I had turned my location off out of anger from earlier and he was big mad.

I walked through the streets of the X finally making my way to Kay's apartment building and I walked in and knocked on the door to his apartment. As the door flung open I was met with momma flock. "Kevin is not home right now he's around the block with his friends, he has been looking for you since after school, what have you been up to?" She asked me.

"I'm not gonna lie I just cut my family off for good, they think they gonna keep puttin me through all this, yea nah" finally saying it out loud felt good. "and they let you go with no hesitation??" She asked me frantically. "I mean there was a lil bit of wrestling but they know if they touch me and it's evident that they gonna lose their case against me, so they didn't do too much"

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