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"Princess Daenys!" Lord Dondarrion called

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"Princess Daenys!" Lord Dondarrion called. 

"Lord Dondarrion! How nice to see you." Daenys said as she walked towards him. 

There was a feast hosted in the Red Keep for all the Lords that had arrived for the Tourney. As perher duties as a Princess, Daenys had to go and socialize with all the Lords and Ladies. So far she had met the Lords of Tully, Karstark, Redwyne, and Tarbeck. 

"Will you be participating in tomorrow's tourney?" She asked. 

"Do I look like I will be participating in tomorrow's tourney?" He said with a chuckle

Lord Dondarrion was a stout man, with a stomach too big for his body, with a balding head. She doubted the man could even ride a horse but of course she didn't say that. 

"Oh, give yourself some credit, My Lord. You are still more dashing than many men here."

"Then there must not be many men." He retorted which caused them both to chuckle. 

"Well, if you are not participating, who is representing your house?" She asked. 

"Two of my sons are participating, as well as my steward's son. He has participated in many tourney's at Blackhaven."

"Do you have faith in the steward's son, My Lord?" She questioned. 

"I would say so. He saw real combat in the Dornish Marches and was knighted then and there." He said. 

"That is good to know. Well, I musn't keep you for too long." She said. 

"Of course princess. It was a pleasure talking to you!" He said before moving to talk to some other Lord. 

"What were you and Lord Dondarrion discussing so enthusiastically?" Aenar said as he suddenly came behind her and wrapped his arms around her. 

"Oh, we were just exchanging some pleasantries is all." She told him while leaning into his touch. 

"Well, I know some pleasentries that we could exchange somewhere more privately." He whispered in her ear. 

"Aenar!" She said in surprise. 

"What? It was you who said that we need heirs. Plus, everywhere I go, Daeneth pops out of nowhere and asks when he will become a great-grandfather. It's bloody freaky. I swear he appears out of smoke."

"Talking about my grandsire isn't getting you anywhere. If anything, it is pushing you further away."

"Well how about this, tomorrow when you ride in the carriage towards the arena, with every bump in the road, you will feel a dull pain you feel between your legs as a memory of tonight." 

Daenys drew a sharp breath and looked down to hide her blushing face, which made Aenar give a quick kiss to her neck. 

She turned her head to him, while looking at all of the courtiers who were engaged in conversation. 

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