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It has been six months since Rhaenyra's ceremony, and six months since Aenar and Daenys found out they were going to have a child

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It has been six months since Rhaenyra's ceremony, and six months since Aenar and Daenys found out they were going to have a child. Daenys was now eight months pregnant and she hated it.

"I look like a whale!" She complained as she paced around the room.

"Rhaenys said everyone looks like a whale when they are pregnant." Aenar said with amusement, from his place on the sofa.

"Yes, but her husband is Velaryon who loves the sea! The fact that she looked like a sea creature probably turned him on a bit. No wonder they had Laenor and Laena so close together!" she ranted.

When she saw her husband with an amused expression, she commanded, "Stop smirking at me!"

"I'm not smirking at you!" Aenar chuckled.

"Then quit laughing at me!" She screeched.

"I am not laughing at you!" Aenar told her with a grin.

"Well stop whatever it is that you're doing!" She commanded.

"I am not doing anything. I am being the happy golden dog to your moody dark cat. I am being the light in your sea of gloominess. Do not put a cloud over my sunshine."

"I thought I married the Warden of the East, not a poet." She grumbled.

"RAIN CLOUD!" He yelled.

"Oh, I really hope our son gets your truly sunny disposition." She told him with a sarcastic smile.

"You think it's a boy?"

"Is that the only thing you got from what I said?"

"RAIN CLOUD!" Aenar yelled again getting up from his seat and nearing her.

He grabbed Daenys' hand gently and pulled them to his lips, planting kisses all over them, which made Daenys let out a small smile.

"So, you think it's a boy?" He asked once again, which cause her to laugh.

"Yes, I think is a boy. Why? Would like a girl instead?" She asked.

"I would like three children. So I suppose, two girls and one boy." He said after much thought.

"Three children? The first one is not even out yet." She asked in bewilderment.

"Well, we can't leave the first one all on his one. He needs playmates."

"Which brings us to the other discussion. Betrothals." Daenys said.

Aenar questioned, "What about them?"

"The Doctrine of Exceptionalism applies only to Targaryens on the basis that Targaryens are from Valyria. The Arryns are one of the oldest Andal houses. The future heir to your house will already have more Targaryen blood than Arryn. Our children cannot marry each other. Whoever becomes your successor will need the bloodline to die out." Daenys explained.

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