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Lavender. That was what Daenys smelt when she entered the chambers of the Queen. Gone were the days when honeysuckle graced this room. Gone were the days when instead of green, the room was decorated blue. Gone were the days that she sat on the bed, laughing with Aemma.

"I have to admit, I was surprised by your proposal," Daenys said as she sat down before the Queen, with Daegor on her lap. She was in King's Landing, at the Queen's behest to decide their children's future.

Currently, she was in front of the King and Queen in their chambers.

"What proposal?" Viserys questioned.

"The proposal to betroth Daena and Aemond, my love," Alicent said while placing a hand on her husband's.

"Oh," Viserys mumbled.

"I would have liked Aenar also to be present, but it appears he has business in the Vale," Daenys said with a slight bitterness in her voice. Upon deciding to go to King's Landing, she wrote to her husband and had yet to receive a response.

The letter was sent ten days ago.

Alicent cleared her throat to break the tension in the air, "I think it would be a suitable match. They are both alike in the best ways-"

"But what about their prospects?" Daenys cut off.

"I beg your pardon?" Alicent asked confused.

"My daughter has already bled which means that I have been receiving proposals from many lords around Westeros. Although some are lowly lords, they are all lords of something. I mean no offence, but Aemond is a second son and on top of that the fourth child of the King."

Alicent inhaled sharply, for all her planning on trying to stop Rhaenyra, she didn't think about this, "Aemond receives a hefty sum, surpassing any lord-"

"Will they have a place at court?" Daenys cut off.

Alicent frowned slightly at her cousin's eagerness. She knew it was her idea for the two children to be betrothed, but she didn't think Daenys would be so willing to sell off her only daughter. She knew she would be the opposite if it was Helaena.

"Yes. Their place would be at court unless both of them decide otherwise."

"Hmm." Viserys hummed as he looked out of the window.

Alicent turned to her husband with cautious eyes. The atmosphere was so tense as it was, the last thing she needed was for her husband to add his own awkward opinion.

When Alicent saw the King had nothing to add, she turned back to Daenys, "Daenys, this is the most comfortable offer you shall receive. Aemond is not the heir to the throne and is free to do whatever his heart wishes. This is the most respectable offer that will still grant Daena her freedom."

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