𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐟

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The Targaryens of Blackliff are a cadet branch, stemming from the Targaryens of Dragonstone. The branch was founded by Daeneth The Fearless, son of Maegor I Targaryen and his first wife Ceryse Hightower. The branch was established after the First Great Council of Harrenhal to decide his father's successor. 

The eventual successor, King Jaehaerys, wanted to grant Daeneth and his family Dragonstone Castle, but Daeneth refused and said he would build his own keep on Dragonstone Island. The titles that came with the keep were Lord of Blackliff, Paramour of the Skies and Warden of the Narrow Sea.

Daeneth sought out the east side of the island, which was only inhabited by dragons. Instead of building a glorious castle like the existing Dragonstone Castle, he found the tallest cliff on the island and enlisted stonemasons and builders from Volantis and Assahi to use Valyrian magic and carve his keep into the island. 

Previous inhabitants of Blackliff:

- Princess Rhaena Targaryen, Lady of Blackliff

- Princess Aerea Targaryen

- Prince Daemion Targaryen

- Princess Daelyra Targaryen

- Prince Vaegon Targaryen (Briefly)

- Princess Viserra Targaryen (Briefly)

- Lady Elissa Farman

Current inhabitents of Blackliff:

- Prince Daeneth Targaryen, Lord of Blackliff, Paramount of the Skies, Warden of the Narrow Sea

- Princess Daenys Targaryen 

- Prince Aenar Arryn


- Maester Byers 

- Maester Perkin 

- Ser Byron Brune, sworn to Prince Daeneth Targaryen

- 150 crossbowman 

- 30 knights

- 200 men-at-arms 

Houses that are sworn to Blackliff are:

- House Celtigar of Claw Isle

- House Velaryon of Driftmark

- House Massey of Massey's Hook

- House Bar Emmon of Sharp Point

- House Sunglass of Sweetport Sound

- House Seaworth of Cape Wrath

- House of Tarth

- House Brune of the Dyre Den


Interiors of Blackliff

Entrance and Approaches 

Top Entrance: The upper entrance is a massive, sheer pit, without ladders or stairs, accessible only to those who can land a dragon. This entrance, used by Daeneth Targaryen on Gaelithox and the other dragon riders, is lined with intricate carvings of dragons in flight, their wings forming arches that frame the descent into the castle.

Bottom Entrance: The lower entrance, situated at the cliff's base near the port, is grand and imposing. A massive stone gate, flanked by dragon sculptures that seem to emerge from the cliffside, opens into a cavernous hall. Here, dragon claws hold torches that cast flickering light upon the smooth, liquefied stone walls, creating an otherworldly ambience.

Main Hall

The Main Hall of Blackliff is a breathtaking chamber carved deep into the cliff. The ceiling, high and vaulted, is supported by columns shaped like dragon legs, their talons gripping the stone floor. At the far end, a massive throne carved from black stone, shaped like a dragon's head, stands as the focal point. The walls are adorned with mosaics depicting legendary dragons and Valyrian history, their eyes set with precious gems that glint in the torchlight.

Living Quarters

The living quarters, designed for comfort and grandeur, are a series of interconnected chambers hewn from the rock. Each room features large windows overlooking the sea, their frames shaped like dragon wings. The furniture is luxurious, with beds carved from dark wood and adorned with dragon motifs. Tapestries depicting the Targaryen lineage and their dragons hang from the walls, adding colour and warmth to the stone interiors.

Council Room

The Council Room, where the Targaryens and their courtiers convene, is a circular chamber with a large, round table at its centre. The table's surface is inlaid with a detailed map of Westeros, and the chairs are carved to resemble dragon scales. The walls are lined with bookshelves holding ancient tomes and scrolls, and a large chandelier shaped like a dragon's claw hangs from the ceiling, providing ample light.


The Armory of Blackliff is a formidable vault filled with weapons and armour forged from Valyrian steel. The racks hold swords, spears, and shields, each adorned with dragon motifs. Mannequins display suits of armour designed for both humans and dragons, reflecting the Targaryens' readiness for battle.


Despite being carved into the cliff, Blackliff Castle boasts a series of terraced gardens that cascade down the cliffside. These gardens are filled with exotic plants and flowers, some of which are native to Valyria. Dragon-shaped fountains provide a soothing ambience, and stone benches offer peaceful spots to sit and gaze out over the sea.

Secret Passages

Interwoven throughout the castle are a network of secret passages and hidden chambers, known only to the Targaryens and their most trusted courtiers. These passages allow for discreet movement throughout the castle and lead to hidden observation points and escape routes.


The Chapel of Blackliff is a serene space dedicated to the worship of the old Valyrian gods. The altar is a simple stone slab, and the walls are decorated with reliefs of dragons and Valyrian symbols. The air is thick with the scent of incense, and the flickering candlelight creates a tranquil atmosphere.


The Dragon Pit is a magnificent, open-air arena situated atop the cliff, that serves as the top entrance to the castle. It serves as a training ground and resting area for the dragons and connects to the dragons' resting places in the Dragonmont through large tunnels.

Built into the walls of the Dragon Pit are several viewing galleries, where the Targaryens and their courtiers can watch the dragons train and take off. These galleries are adorned with dragon-themed decorations and offer a panoramic view of the arena.


Is this me world-building too much? Absolutely. I just wanted a clear layout of Blackliff so you can envison it how I have in my head. 


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