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"Hyah!" The Prince grunted

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"Hyah!" The Prince grunted. The swipe of his sword whooshed by his opponent's ears as she ducked. His opponent attempted to swipe her leg under his but he jumped in the air instead. As the Princess got up, the Prince didn't waste any time before he lunged. 

The sound of clashing steel graced the ears of nobles and knights alike who witnessed the two royals. The Prince spun his sword once in the air before bringing it to the sword of the Princess, locking them both together. The Princess managed to overpower him and slashed her sword to where his neck would have been if he didn't duck. 

She turned to the other side, blocking his sword from striking her legs. As she turned back around, she used her free hand to strike him in the face which caused him to stumble. However, that didn't faze the Prince much as he clashed his sword again with the Princess'. 

After a few clashes between the two swords, the Prince lunged forward and thrust his sword in the direction of his opponent, to which she side-stepped before slicing at him again. The Prince swung his sword down low, which caused the Princess to come closer to block. This allowed him to punch her in the face, which caused her to daze for a few seconds. 

However, during those seconds, the Prince threw her over him which she managed to recover from as they both stood panting. With a grunt she swung at the Prince, choosing to go on the offensive and struck at him repeatedly while he blocked. The swords clashed against one another as the opponents danced around the yard, blocking out all who were watching them. 

Once again their swords locked and instigated the battle between them to overpower the other. The Prince succeeded in pushing both of their swords down before his sword came up again to rest at the Princess' neck before he noticed that her sword was resting at his. 

They both took deep breaths as they looked at one another, tired from their duel. A thin layer of sweat enveloped them both. They both drew their swords back and clanged them together as they ended their spar. 

Claps echoed in their ears as they acknowledged all the nobles and knights who watched them. The Prince gave a wide grin as he turned, waving at the crowd, while the Princess only let out a small smirk as she took in the audience and flourished her sword.

"Now that is a proper duel!" A gruff voice shouted. The Prince and the Princess both turned to see one of their trainers, Ser Byron Hollard. With long greying hair that was pulled back into a ponytail, a beard that was tied in a braid a little below his shoulder and steel grey eyes, he was one of the most terrifying warriors the Seven Kingdoms had ever seen. 

"Perhaps your children should take notes, Cole." Another voice sounded. This significantly smoother and younger voice belonged to the children's other tutor, Ser Reeves Blacktyde, who was leaning against a column. He was smaller than Ser Byron but still muscular. Light brown hair that fell to his shoulders and a trimmed beard. 

"I'm afraid they lack the skill your pupils do. Aegon and Aemond are well on their way to advancing to metal swords, however, the younger two still need practice. Alas, I am required to teach all of them collectively." spoke Ser Criston Cole as he stood on the sidelines beside the children of Alicent and Rhaenyra. 

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