Chapter 21: Fire Soldier Bellereve

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Rinni's POV

"Hey, are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I can 100% move around, just gotta make sure I don't strain myself"

"If you say so. But I do wonder how the higher-ups still accepted you despite your weird story."

"Well, you can say I can be convincing"

The sound of an alarm of a train burning caught our attention, and soon it arrived. We noticed the smoke and fire, and people rushing out screaming that there was an infernal in the train. The train car comes to a complete stop and the door soon bursts open. The infernal stepped out screaming in its weird way.

The two of us dropped our bags, getting ready to fight. But we stopped and turned our attention when someone said that the Special Fire Force was there. We were both pushed back because we seemed to be civilians. The Special Fire Force soon put the infernal to rest. I then noticed the falling lights, it will hit the sister!

"Shinra move!"

Shinra instantly focused his flames out of his feet and saved the sister, while I aimed my hand and shot flames at the falling light. It slowly formed into hatchets and hit it, making sure no one else would get injured. I ran over to see if the sister was hurt and it turned out she was okay. I sighed in relief before hearing a voice behind me.

"So it is you two." Shinra and I turned to face the one who spoke

"Yes! Forgive the late intro." Shinra said as we saluted

"As of this morning, I'll be your new third-generation fire soldier. I'm Shinra Kusakabe." Shinra continued

"I'm Rinni Bellereve, a second and third-generation fire soldier"

"It's an honor to meet you all" the two of us said in unison

"Huh... so these are the devil's footprints I've heard about. And earlier I believe I noticed a blast of flames that became hatchets."

The captain turned to us as Shinra and I stood in attention. He soon told us to meet him at the Special Fire Cathedral 8 and left with the rest of company 8.

"Hey Shinra, you gonna be okay dude? I mean you're barefooted now"

"You're the one to talk, your sleeves are all burned out. At least now I can use my ability to head to the fire cathedral"

"And leave me to take the train by myself? Harsh dude" I said jokingly

"Please you can practically do the same thing just with your hands and arms"

"Yeah but I am still making sure I don't strain myself so it's a big risk"

"Yeah, yeah I get it. We'll just use the train"

"Aw... how sweet of you to keep me company" I said jokingly while patting his head

He swats my hand away before complaining a bit. Afterward, we just laughed off our banter and got on the train. We noticed how run down it looked when we reached the Special Fire Cathedral 8. The door opened and one of the members let Shinra and me in. We were soon led down hallways and so on, then given our uniforms. The two of us split up and got changed. Once we were done, we were brought to the captain's office. Both of us soon stood in attention and saluted

"Reporting in sir" Shinra and I said in unison

"Ah, you both made it. I'm captain of the Special Fire Force's Company 8. The name's Akitaru Obi"

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