Chapter 37: Welcome

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Rinni's POV

My eyes shot open as I heard a door being pried open and soon enough I heard footsteps. I quickly sat up and looked around to find anything that can help me defend myself, only to find furniture. Well shit, this is where I die. I then heard groaning, snarling, and voices. I took a peek through a hole in the torn-up sheets and I saw a kid and a teen. I couldn't see much since it was somewhat dark. Oh, and I didn't forget about the two other people tied to chairs who are groaning and reaching out for the other two.

"H-hello?" after saying that a gun was pointed my way

"Woah! Easy! I'm friendly, I promise!" I shouted in a panicked tone

"You think you can open the door?" asked the teen

"Yeah, give me a sec"

I got up and gripped the table beside me as I walked to the door and opened it for them. I raised my hands up and showed them I'm no threat after I leaned against the door. The teen still had a gun pointed at me. I managed to get a good look at the two people tied to the chair and they look like zombies. Okay, so zombie apocalypse, how fun. Oh please do note my sarcasm on it. The two zombies started to reach out for me but I decided to look at the kid and teen that was right in front of me.

"See, told you guys I'm friendly. My name's Rinni. I don't really have the best balance when I just woke up so sorry if I'm leaning on the door"

"How did you get here?"

"I don't know. The last thing I remember is fighting someone and then blacking out."

"Clem... I don't think we should trust her..."

"Okay, I know it sounds crazy right now but I'll explain everything later. So whatcha looking for here anyways?"

"Some food."

"Right, then come on, I'll help you guys look."

I grabbed the shelf behind me as I stepped aside and went back into the room and began looking around. The two then walked in and I finally got a clear visual on who they are. Well shit, it's Clementine and AJ, so I'm in Telltale's The Walking Dead game series, more specifically the final season of it. I remember this game coming out when I was 18. I managed to somehow move the mattress and found a trap door after I stumbled towards it.

"You think there's food down there?" asked Clem

"This thing's trapped. I know it. There are a lot of supplies down there but at the risk of setting a trap off and attracting walkers? Yeah, no thanks. Be my guess if you wanna risk it."

I step away from the trap door with a little bit of ease than earlier and let the two of them look at it. Clementine began to pull the trap door up and I stopped here before she could fully pull it.

"There's a grenade right there. I'll try and reach for it and get it out safely. Wish me luck"

I reached in and tried to get the grenade off the door. The pin was tied to the rope, no use just gotta make sure I hold on to the lug so I grabbed a hold of it. Do you know when you suddenly get a jolt of pain or electricity on your shoulder sometimes when you're absolutely doing nothing? Yeah well, that happened to me. Must have been from my injuries during the fight. And you wanna know what happened? Well, I may or may not have accidentally let go of the grenade. I slammed the trap door shut and grabbed the two of them to run out. But the shock from the explosion causes me to slip.

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