Part 13 - 88 Days Left For Reminisce

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Part 13 – 88 Days Left For Reminisce







'Let's let our time pass by'

607 words

You go to work and come home as usual when you receive a text message from Suho, stating if he and Chen could come by and visit you at home. Instead, you ask them to come down to the nearest café, because you feel a bit lonely and suffocate at home, so you decide to take a detour.

The three of you meet at the mentioned café. After ordering, all of you take a seat located in the secluded area of the café.

"Oh, I didn't know there's a secluded area here. I always order and sit wherever I want, to take the order home" you are impressed by the location.

"Well, I'm not surprised if you don't know this area. I totally understand. We know this place, because, well, we.... well, you know" and you quickly nod at Suho's unclear explanations.

"Aigoo, Hyung. Is she a reporter? She considers our family. Why do you explain like that to her? It's not that she didn't know anything about us" Chen shakes his head, but Suho just grins widely.

"By the way, how are you?" Suho melancholily asks you. "Good."

"That's it?" he asks again.

"Yeah. Why? How are you by the way? Wow.... It seems like you are busy with concerts and promoting your new album too" you change the topic quickly before he catches something wrong.

"Y/N, you can spill out the overflowing tears as much as you want, so that your heart can be emptied. That's how you can let it go" somehow, you can't fool Chen.

"No. I'm okay. I don't want to spend 88 days left just to reminisce about him" you scoff. "I have work, I need to eat, sleep too. Why should I wail about him?"

"Yeah! You go, girl! You shouldn't cry! Just go on with your day. 88 days left, it's not even long, you know. It's lesser than.... Three months, right?" Suho asks.

"Yup. But, don't force yourself to work. If you miss him, I suggest you just call him. You are husband and wife after all. You still need to call him from time to time too, don't just wait for him" Chen gives advice to you.

"Yup, you are correct. I won't try to force myself though. I will just go to work as usual, do chores at home as usual, meet with you guys as usual, and do everything as usual. Like the passing season, the day will come again. He will return" you can see the two of them smile at you.

"See, I told you, she is strong. We don't need to worry about her" Suho states.

"I know. But still, as an EXO family member, we should look after each other too. Don't you remember last time she was the one who helped you?" but Suho quickly pats his shoulder.

"Shh, okay, okay. No need to remind me" Chen laughs at Suho's answer.

"Oh, by the way, I think we all have free time this weekend. Do you want to join us for a short trip? Weekend travel I say" Suho suddenly pops up a question.

"Yeah! Join us! You need to freshen up your mind too. Let's let our time pass by with some fun activities. I'm sure you'll like it. Come, join us!" Chen supports Suho.

Of course, you are tempted to join them. "Sounds fun! Since you mention it's only a weekend travel, I'll go!" you accepted their invitation.

"Yay! She'll join us! I'm sure the members are happy to know that you'll be joining us too" Suho's smile lights up.

"Okay, so here's the details of the place...."

To be continued....

Uploaded on: 5th January 2023

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