Part 66 - 35 Lines: Lyrics Or Teases?

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'Xin Nian Kuai Le'

802 words

After expressing his morning love to you on the bed, both of you go out to have a hearty breakfast. He offers to help you in the kitchen, and you happily agree to it.

After breakfast, your husband takes his iPad and cuddles with you on the couch in the living room.

"Let's find out.... who is the culprit...." you stare at your husband, but he just stays calm.

You peek at his iPad and see him calling Lay. You let out a short laugh when you finally understand what he meant just now.

"Hyung~~" your husband greets one of the EXO members, Lay. You wave at him as well, since your husband video-calls him.

"Aigoo.... Baekhyun, Y/N.... Xin Nian Kuai Le...." Lay greets you two as well.

"Huh?" Baekhyun's brain freezes for a moment. You let out a small laugh.

"He means Happy Chinese or Lunar New Year" you help translate to your husband.

"Oh.... Happy Chinese New Year to you too!" Baekhyun response back.

"Oppa! Hong Bao Na Lai!" Lay is laughing when hearing your response, but Baekhyun is freezing again. You and Lay are laughing when seeing your husband just stare at the screen.

"Guys, wait. Can we speak something that I can understand here?" you and Lay continues to laugh.

"Baekhyun, she said she wants a red envelope from me. Hey, but Y/N, you are married, you are supposed to be the one who gives me" you laugh at his reply.

"Eiiii. Hyung, you are richer than us!" you continue to laugh as you sensed your husband has warmed up and get ready to tease his member.

"Eiiii, what do you mean? We both are working. She is working too. We are not rich, but at least we got something to put on the table everyday" Lay didn't notice he has entered Baekhyun's den.

"Hyung. I know. Of course, you are putting something on the table everyday, including yesterday. Wow.... I am jealous. I can't do that. We can't do that. How did you do that?" your husband's tease has begun.

"What are you talking about? What do you mean?" Lay gets confused.

"Hyung" Baekhyun claps. "You didn't sleep the whole day since Sunday? How come you can cook that many.... Like, wow...." he keeps teasing. You tighten your lips to hold yourself from laughing.

Lay is still confused. "Y/N, what is he talking about?"

"This one" you show the picture he posted on his Instagram account.

Your husband starts to laugh when Lay glares at the screen.

"You know Y/N" Lay shakes his right index finger, pointing at Baekhyun. "I am still wondering why, and how come, you fell in love with this jokester," your laugh finally burst when Lay poses the question.

"Why? Can't people fall in love with me? Consider that as one of my charms," you keep laughing when seeing your husband with his flex while Lay with his gagging.

"Hyung. You haven't answered me yet" Baekhyun asks after flexing himself.


"Among the food you presented on that table yesterday, which one did you cook?" both of you laugh when Lay roll his eyes.

"Now, Y/N. I'm sure you go with this Baekhyun here to his hometown, right? Now, tell me. Which dish he cooked or at least, touch in the kitchen during the celebration?"

"See, hubby! I told you! He will ask the same question as you do. I win" you continue to laugh.

"Hyung. I touch the food, okay? I eat them too."

"In the kitchen, Baekhyun! I touch the food too! In the room! Touch with the chopsticks" Lay does not want to lose.

"Eiiii.... If you mean touch as touching with chopsticks, I touch the food with the chopsticks too! Touch the food with my mouth too. Send the food all the way to my stomach" Baekhyun on the other hand, exaggerates even more.

You are completely lost with them. You roll on the floor, laughing. "Gosh, my stomach hurts" while keep listening to their exaggeration.

"Guys, stop. Stop" you finally stop them before their exaggeration becomes nonsense.

"Guys, can I ask you two something?" your husband and Lay look at you.

You cross your arms. "Am I in the middle of EXO preparing of.... Well, I did hear about 35 lines, yeah...." you think for a moment before continuing. "So, is that 35 lines for the lyrics of the comeback, or 35 lines of daily teasing? So, which one? Comeback, or just teasing?"

Your husband crosses his arms too, pretending to be serious. "Well, actually, it's both. This new lyric.... consists of 35 lines of teasing Lay Hyung from the intro until the end, to be featured in our comeback which can be listened to daily."

"YAH BAEKHYUN!!!! Hajima!!!!" Lay laughs as well, lost to the cheeky Baekhyun.

To be continued....

Uploaded on: 24th January 2023

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