Part 48 - 53 Minutes Only

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Little Smut





'After all, he is Byun Baekhyun.'

584 words

After video calling with your husband just now, you can't help but imagine the additional work he has done. You suddenly feel excited, but since you need to go to work tomorrow, you brush off all the thoughts and go to sleep.

Perhaps, it is your subconscious that wakes you after almost an hour of going to sleep. You feel hot, so you take off your clothes. You look at the clock. "Ouch, I just asleep for 53 minutes? Gosh. Am I that excited or what?" you talk to yourself.

You lie on the bed and try to sleep again, but unfortunately, you feel hard to go to sleep. You want to call your husband again, but you worry that you disturb his sleep. You don't want him to think that you are in trouble or something. You take a deep breath and try to sleep.

You toss and turn, but you are still unable to sleep. This time, you decide to talk to your husband through text. You send a text message to him.


You put your phone, thinking that he may reply the next morning. However, you are surprised when he replies shortly after.

Yes, my love?

You quickly reply to him, worrying that you disturb his sleep.

Hubby, I can't sleep....

This time, he didn't reply to you through text. He video calls you straight away.

"Oh? I'm sorry, my hubby darling, for disturbing your sleep. I just can't sleep."

He smiles. "That's okay. I can't sleep too, actually."

"Really? I was just able to sleep for about 53 minutes. Then, I woke up. Can't go back to sleep now. I don't feel sleepy at all" you pout, but he just smiles at you.

"I guess that we must be so excited to see each other tomorrow" and you giggle right away hearing his response.

You actually feel excited, but you don't want to tell him. You don't want to bring trouble to him since he is still sleeping in the military camp. However, you cannot hide your face from your husband. After all, he is Byun Baekhyun; and Baekhyun is your husband, he can read your expression easily now.

"Sweetie...." He calls you.


"Just do it. You are alone there after all. Do it so I can watch you and we can go to sleep together later" you are shocked hearing him.

"Uh.... But you are in the camp...."

"That's fine. I am alone in the room now" he assures you.

You start to blush and you feel hotter than before. Eventually, you close your eyes and do the same additional work as your husband did earlier. Your husband gets excited down below as well, as together do with you at the same time, virtually.

Not long after, both of you let out some excitement that builds up within both of you. After calming down for a while, you start to talk again.

"Hubby, I feel sleepy now, but just now was still not enough...."

"I know, sweetheart. I feel the same way as you feel too. It's okay, I feel sleepy too now. Let's sleep first, otherwise, we will be sleepy during our work tomorrow. After that, let's express our excitement tomorrow after work, okay?" he persuades you to go to sleep with his sweet voice.

You agree with him. You yawn, bid each other's good night, and blow a kiss through the phone before ending the video call. You are hoping the day will go faster.

To be continued....

Uploaded on: 19th January 2023

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