The Blue Flame (Act 1)

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Anne was relieved, to say the least. She had managed to save the Plantars from the FBI and now she was going back to Amphibia to stop Andrias. The only thing left to do was to say goodbye to her parents. Anne noticed that they seemed on edge, but she just assumed that they were just nervous about saying goodbye.


"What did you just say?" Anne's confused expression turned into anger.

"Anne, you're not going back to Amphibia." Mr. Boonchuy repeated. "We just got you back and we don't know what kind of danger you'll be in while you're there."

"I don't believe this, I thought you guys trusted me to do this" Anne spat back. "Why does every single person I care about do this to me? Hop Pop, I'm coming with you guys right?" She said, turning to the old frog.

"Anne, I talked this over with the Boonchuys and this just seems like the best way to keep you safe." Hop Pop tried to tell her. Anne simply stared back at him as tears began to blur her vision.

"Everyone ready? Got everything?" Terri called over.

"Yes, we're ready" Hop Pop called back. "Goodbye Anne, someday you'll understand...I hope..."

"Alright, here we go!" Terri yelled activating the portal. However, when the portal opened, it was still as small as it had been earlier that day.

"It doesn't look any bigger" Hop Pop remarked, looking back at Terri and Dr. Jan.

"That was twice the power we estimated it would need. If that didn't work, I'm afraid nothing will." Terri turned to the Plantars with a look of defeat. Suddenly multiple windows shattered as FBI agents swarmed the building. "Everybody freeze!" one of them yelled.

Anne didn't move as she stared at the ground, shaking slightly. A slow clap was heard as Mr. X approached. "Not bad Anne, not bad. Turns out you were more capable than I thought, but you still failed because no matter what you do you're still just a kid." Mr. X gloated as he pointed at Anne.

Anne slapped Mr. X's hand away and finally looked up. "You're right X. I am just a kid, but today made me realize that if I stop putting my trust in the wrong people, I can do anything!"

"What the-" Mr. X exclaimed.

Anne's eyes turned a bright blue as she stomped her foot on the ground. Suddenly a blue shockwave formed, pushing all the FBI agents back. "What are you?" Mr. X said while readjusting his glasses.

Anne turned to the portal seeing it begin to expand. She dawned a crooked smile, raising her hand and channeling her energy into it. The portal quickly quadrupled in size.

Something within Anne changed that day. She looked back at Mr. X with such hatred, her glowing blue eyes intensifying. She sped over to him, punching him into the wall.

"Did you hear me X? I said I can do anything which includes getting revenge on you, Andrias, Sasha, Marcy, and anyone else who has hurt or betrayed me!" Anne yelled out.

Anne's parents and the Plantars looked on in horror as Anne lifted Mr. X by his neck. "Anne snap out of it! This isn't you!" Sprig cried out.

"Anne, you can come through the portal with us, just let him go!" Hop Pop yelled out to her.

Their cries fell on deaf ears as Anne punched Mr. X again and again, with the rest of the FBI agents unable to intervene. Finally, Anne looked at both of her families before turning to the portal. Taking one last look at the bloody mess that Mr. X had become she flew through the portal in her full Calamity form. The Plantars quickly ran after her through the portal, the interdimensional gateway collapsing soon after without Anne there to power it.

Mr. and Mrs. Boonchuy looked at Mr. X as Jenny helped him to his feet, his face still oozing blood.

"Looks like we have a lot to talk about."


Anne flew through the moist Amphibian air. She felt the energy of the blue gem surge within her, filling her with power beyond anything she had never felt more alive. As she flew she saw through blue-tinted vision a new Amphibia. One of pollution and despair no doubt as a result of Andrias' takeover.

Anne felt something strange like a force was pulling her towards a certain location. She decided to follow it and she soon found herself looking upon the Second Temple, the place where the blue stone had been only partially charged.

The Amphibian Arctic was supposed to be freezing cold yet Anne not only didn't feel cold, she felt like she was on fire. "The only person I can trust is myself." Anne told herself. "I won't let myself be betrayed again. Not by Sasha, not by Hop Pop, not by Andrias, not by Marcy, not anyone."

A small part of her told her that wasn't true. She could trust Sprig, Polly, Dr. Jan, Terri–

"No! It's only a matter of time before they betray me too. This world has brought me nothing but pain."


Despite Andrias' best attempts to keep control over the northernmost parts of Amphibia, within two weeks Anne had defeated the frobot army in the region. However, when Anne tried to push south, she felt her powers begin to fade. Ever since she had arrived at the Second Temple, Anne's powers hadn't dissipated, so she remained in her Calamity form the entire time.

"Something about my proximity to the temple must have allowed me to retain my powers." Anne realized as she looked out at the rest of Amphibia. "Andrias can do whatever he wants for all I care. I'm going to build a place where no one can betray me ever again." Anne finally said, flying back to the Second Temple to begin work on her 'new world order' as she dubbed it.

The first step of Anne's project went smoothly as the few frogs that lived in the Amphibian Arctic began to worship Anne as a god, seeing her as their liberator. The next step was to instill inside these frogs the fear of what would happen to them if they ever betrayed their new god.

Thus began the merciless rule of the Blue Flame.

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