Darcy at the Gates

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"Guys look, I can see the walls of Newtopia!" Polly yelled. "We're almost there!"

The group of amphibians, along with Sasha, had been traveling nonstop for nearly a day at this point. Everyone wanted a break, but they knew that there was absolutely no time for one. Darcy and Anne could begin their invasion of Earth at any moment.

Sasha and Grime flew down on Joe Sparrow, matching the speed of Bessie and Andrias who was running alongside the fwagon. "So everyone remembers the plan right?" Sasha asked. "We get in, get the Music Box, get out."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Sprig looked up at the castle as the group sped down the road. "Hey guys, unless Bessie somehow sprouts wings, I don't think she'll be able to come with us." Sprig eyed the snail with worry. "We'll need to hide her somewhere while Joe flies us up to the castle."

"Good thinking Sprig." Hop Pop replied. "We can probably hide her in the old barbariant tunnels. I doubt they'll find her there."

Yunan opened the fwagon's trapdoor and popped her head out. "We sealed most of the tunnels up, but one punch from the big guy should give us an opening." The newt said as she looked at Andrias.

Olivia popped her head out alongside Yunan's. "According to the report, there should be a closed tunnel close by." She looked around before pointing at a hill that the group was rapidly approaching. "There!"

Hop Pop steered Bessie towards the hill and stopped once they reached its foot. Grime turned to Andrias. "You're up, old timer." Andrias rolled his eyes as he punched the side of the hill, revealing the abandoned tunnel.

Hop Pop guided Bessie inside. "Alright girl, you need to stay here for a while. We'll be back soon." Bessie chirped in response.

Hop Pop sighed as he rejoined the rest of the group. "Alright, let's do this thing."

Everyone except Andrias proceeded to board Joe Sparrow, much to the bird's discomfort. Sasha pat Joe's head. "Come on buddy, take us to the castle."

With a few heavy flaps of his wings, Joe took off as Andrias followed on the ground.

As they flew towards the castle, Sprig looked down at the frobot army surrounding Newtopia. "Hey guys, doesn't this seem a little too easy?"

"Don't jinx it, Sprig!" Polly yelled, but it was already too late. As if Sprig had ordered it, all the frobots on the ground pointed their lasers at the sky and began firing.

"For frog's sake." Yunan complained as Sasha began stirring Joe, performing evasive maneuvers despite the heavy load the bird was carrying.

Andrias, for his part, had pulled out his flaming sword and was charging at the army of frobots. All in all, things weren't exactly going to plan.

Things only got worse when another sparrow flew out from the castle, carrying a dark figure on its back.

"Why hello there." A familiar voice taunted as a net was launched from the ground.

Unable to move in time, Joe Sparrow was caught in the net, sending his passengers tumbling to the ground along with him.

Andrias looked up from his battle on the ground just in time to see his new friends falling to their possible deaths. Andrias sprinted over just in time to catch the group, breaking their fall.

While Andrias helped everyone crawl out of the net, the frobot army surrounded them.

"Well, this is just fucking great." Sasha said sarcastically as she looked around at their current situation.

"Such a disappointment." The voice rang out again as the other sparrow landed in front of them. The figure dismounted from its back, revealing themselves to be none other than Darcy, AKA the Core.

Darcy looked at the group with a frown. "Honestly, we expected better from you lot." They turned their attention to Sasha. "Ah Strength, long time no see. We missed our little chats with you."

"Do you ever shut up?" Sasha spat back.

Darcy laughed. "Still got that tongue it seems."

Andrias scowled at them. "What do you want Darcy? Are you here to gloat before trying to destroy us again?"

Darcy faked a gasp. "Andrias, we're hurt that you think we'd do something like that." Darcy's expression morphed back into a grin. "No, we're here to kill you all personally and ensure that you don't escape again."

Sasha, Grime, Yunan, and Polly took a step forward. Sasha unsheathed her swords. "You may be controlling her body, but I know Marcy. She's no fighter."

"Oh, we'd beg to differ." Darcy said as they pulled out a long black rod. They pressed a button on the side, transforming the rod into a flaming scythe.

Everyone took a step back as Darcy spun the weapon with ease. Yunan looked at the rest of the group nervously. "I'm all for a good fight, but I think we're in over our heads with this one."

Andrias stepped in front of everyone and activated his sword. "Free Joe Sparrow and get to the castle. I'll hold them off."

Olivia grabbed the side of his leg as she looked up at the former king in shock. "Are you insane?! You can't defeat this monster and all of these frobots by yourself."

Andrias looked down at her with determination. "All of this is my fault. If anyone's going to end this, it's going to be me."

Seeing his resolve, everyone else made their way to Joe Sparrow. Darcy simply smiled at them as they released the bird from the net and began to climb back onto his back. They then looked at Andrias and he held his sword in front of him. "We admire your courage, but can assure you that this plan of yours will not succeed."

Andrias gritted his teeth. "What makes you so sure?"

Darcy grinned. "You'll see."

They snapped their fingers, causing the frobots surrounding the group to attack just as Joe Sparrow took off, leaving Andrias behind.

Darcy walked backward, disappearing into the frobot army as Andrias swung his sword in all directions.

The hive mind sighed as they watched Joe Sparrow carry the rest of the team up to the castle. "How can so many individuals be so incredibly stupid?"

Darcy put their scythe away and pulled out a communication device. "Get ready, they're coming."

A dismissive voice on the other side answered. "Don't worry dude, I got this."

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