Your New Gods

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Anne smiled as she took her first look out the castle window. She had been preparing over the past few months for this very moment. Soon, she and Darcy would control Earth and all of the people who lived upon it.

Anne turned towards Darcy and nodded. "Let's get started."

The hive mind grinned as they gave Anne a specialized microphone. "We think it would be fitting if the humans knew who they were dealing with first."

Anne turned towards the large balcony connected to the throne room and proceeded to fly out of the castle. She looked down upon Los Angeles, the place where she was born and raised, the place where she was betrayed for the very last time.

The citizens of L.A. began pointing at Anne from the ground below. Besides the castle, her fiery, blue aura was the most visible thing in the sky.

Anne cleared her throat and began speaking into the microphone. "People of Earth, my name is Anne Boonchuy."

A bystander on the ground gasped. "Isn't that one of the girls that went missing a few months ago?"

Anne continued. "Today is humanity's judgment day. You have two choices: bow before your new gods or be annihilated. It's your call."

Anne paused as she noticed several tanks driving towards her. As the tanks stopped and aimed their barrels directly at her and the castle, an armored vehicle pulled up.

A highly decorated general stepped out and was promptly handed a megaphone. "The United States will not bow to a terrorist, especially not some teenage girl and her robot army."

Anne narrowed her eyes as her aura began to shine even brighter. "You have exactly ten seconds to surrender before I personally destroy any hope you have of fighting back."

The general scoffed. "What are you gonna do you blue-haired bitch. The U.S. military is the most powerful—"

Anne fired her energy beam right at where the general had been standing, completely vaporizing the man and the tanks surrounding him.

"Oops, did I say ten seconds? I meant to say five."

The remaining military looked up at Anne in shock. The general's lieutenant quickly turned to a nearby soldier. "Get me Mr. X on the line stat." The soldier nodded and ran off.

Anne cracked her knuckles. "Well now that that's taken care of, who else wants to challenge me?"

Suddenly a group of jets sped through the sky, aiming for the castle. Anne sighed. "Guess we're doing this the hard way."

She dropped the microphone and intercepted the jets in a flash of blue lightning. In an instant, Anne had torn a hole in each one of the aircraft, sending them crashing to the ground.

Meanwhile, inside the castle, Darcy laughed. "Looks like it's time for Plan B." Darcy proceeded to close all ten of their eyes, sending a message to the entire frobot army. "Initiate Extermination Protocol."

Across the city, the mechanical army began to fire upon the populace. Within just a few minutes, hundreds were dead as blood lined the streets in the City of Angels.

Screaming. Blood. Death.

All of it was music to the hive mind's ears. They began to feel that familiar sensation they felt when they were conquering worlds centuries ago. It was glorious.

And this was only the beginning.


Meanwhile in the Castle's Dungeon

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