The Calm Before the Storm

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Wartwood was in ruins following the battle with the toads and the fight with Sasha. After returning to base and telling the rest of the resistance of their victory, Mrs. Croaker gave everyone a job.

Grime, Andrias, Yunan, Stumpy, Toadstool, and Wally were to lead a group of the toughest frogs to guard the town. They were to fortify Wartwood and be the first line of defense in case Sasha sent a retaliatory force.

Hop Pop, Olivia, Felicia, Loggle, Chuck, and Toadie were to lead the rest of the resistance in rebuilding Wartwood and gathering resources for the war effort.


"I'm bored." Sprig moaned as he sat with Ivy atop Wartwood's newly constructed wall.

Ivy rolled her eyes. "Grime said to watch for any threats while he and everyone else are reinforcing the wall on the other side of town."

"But it's so boring!" Sprig continued to complain. "All I can see are grass and trees, no frobots or toads in sight." Sprig turned to Ivy. "Don't you want to do something? Fight something?"

Ivy laughed. "Sprig, we've been fighting nonstop for the past few days, don't you wanna relax a little?"

Sprig sighed. "I guess you're right. I wish Polly was here, she'd know how to make things more exciting."

"Hey, guys!" Polly said as she jumped to the top of the wall. "Whatcha doing?"

"Being bored–" Sprig said before Ivy smacked the back of his head. "I mean watch duty! What are you doing here?"

Polly dawned an almost unnerving grin. "I'm taking Frobo out for target practice!"

Sprig looked at her confused. "Target practice?"

Polly nodded. "Yeah watch! Frobo, destroy that tree." Polly said as she pointed toward a large tree near the edge of the forest.

Frobo's eyes powered up and then shot a laser at the base of the tree, bringing the rest of it to the ground. Polly cheered. "Ah heck yeah!" Sprig and Ivy cheered alongside the pollywog.

"That was awesome Polly!" Ivy exclaimed.

"Do it again Frobo!" Sprig practically shouted.

"What's all the ruckus?" Hop Pop shouted from the ground.

Polly hid Frobo behind her back and looked down at Hop Pop. "Nothing!" Hop Pop raised an eyebrow. Polly sighed. "I was doing target practice with Frobo's new laser eyes."

"Polly, what have I told you about playing with lasers!" Hop Pop scolded her.

"You haven't told me anything about playing with lasers!" Polly yelled.

Hop Pop pointed his finger up at her. "Well, I'm telling you now! Don't play with lasers!" He turned to Sprig. "Boy, watch your sister while I go help Loggle fix up his shop will you?"

Sprig gave him a thumbs up. "You got it, Hop Pop!"

As Hop Pop walked away from the wall, Polly smiled at Sprig. "So you wanna do more target practice with Frobo?"

Sprig smiled back at her. "Is that even a question? Of course I do!"


Far Far Away From Wartwood

Sasha swung her swords at the training dummy in frustration. "Those herons were fucking useless! I could have beaten those frogs if I just had something stronger!" Sasha cut the training dummy in half.

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