A Merciless God

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Anne sighed as she soared through the freezing Arctic air. Her plan had been going perfectly up until now. Everyone in the Arctic had worshiped her and she had a deal with Darcy that was almost too good to be true. Yet there was one thing that hampered Anne's good mood: the Freedom Frogs.

They had been a thorn in her side for far too long and once Anne tracked down their base, it would be all over for their little resistance.

For now though, she just basked in how free she felt as she flew through the sky. Anne could look down and see the fruits of her labor as images of the Blue Flame were abundant wherever there was life.

Anne's relaxing day was interrupted when she saw a spear from the corner of her eye being launched at her. Anne caught the spear effortlessly and looked down at the frog that threw it.

Anne rolled her eyes. "Ugh, seriously? I guess I'll try this again."

Anne flashed over to the frog and held him up by the neck. "Tell me where your base is and maybe I won't kill you or whatever."

The frog looked terrified yet still maintained a look of determination. "Never! You're no god, you're just a ruthless monster!"

Anne shrugged. "It was worth a try I guess." Anne snapped the frog's neck without a second thought.

The Freedom Frogs were more of an annoyance than anything, but their mere existence is what bothered Anne. She had tried her absolute best to make sure the Amphibian Arctic was under her complete control, but some frogs just had to ruin everything. They had seen past Anne's god façade for the true monster she had become underneath.

With her relaxing day ruined, Anne returned to the Second Temple to get some training done.


"Aw come on! I was so close that time!" Anne yelled in annoyance. "What's it gonna take to perfect this energy beam?" Anne groaned as she prepared for another attempt.

Anne stretched out her hand, palm out, at some sort of ancient statue she didn't care about. Her hair and eyes began to glow brighter as she focused her energy into her hand. "Come on, come on," Anne muttered under her breath as she closed her eyes to help her focus.

"Three...two...one...and go!" A beam of pure blue energy shot from Anne's hand, obliterating the statue. "Wooo! That's what I'm talking about!" Anne exclaimed as she celebrated having finally gotten her new power to work.


A noise from the ground snapped Anne out of her celebration. She floated off the edge of the temple and looked down. There seemed to be dozens of frogs along with some newts and toads with swords charging at the Second Temple and wait...was that a catapult?

Anne merely scoffed at the small army. "Really? This is the best they can do?"

Anne's expression morphed into a grin. "Actually, this might be fun! This is the perfect opportunity to practice using the energy beam in a real battle!"

Anne raised her hand and began channeling her energy. "See you later twerps." Anne fired a beam of pure energy at the unsuspecting amphibians.


The catapult and any frogs near it were completely vaporized. Anne dropped to one knee and started breathing heavily. "That move sure takes a lot out of me, better use it sparingly." She turned her gaze back to the now stunned amphibians. Anne took a deep breath and stood up as she cracked her knuckles. "Alright, let's get this over with."

Anne proceeded to fly towards the Freedom Frogs and started pummeling them before they even knew what was happening. She dodged their attacks with ease, punching the amphibians so hard that they were sent flying into the air. Just for fun, Anne decided to let one of them try to stab her with a sword. She laughed as the sword merely shattered on impact due to her heavily increased durability.

After all was said and done, Anne could've hardly called it a fight.

Anne flew back to the top of the Second Temple and sat on the edge. "That was fun, but this is really starting to get boring. I can't wait until we invade Earth."

As if Anne had summoned it, a frobot appeared in the distance. Anne watched it carefully as it made its way to her. The frobot's eyes lit up with a light blue color as the holographic image of Darcy appeared in front of Anne.

"Hello Heart. It's been a while." Darcy began, "We require your assistance in Frog Valley." 

Anne looked at them confused. "Wait, so we're not invading Earth yet?"

Darcy nodded. "Our efforts to retrieve the Music Box from Andrias have been unsuccessful thus far. We believe you have the power to take it from him."

Anne raised an eyebrow. "Why don't you have Sasha do it? Isn't she in charge of the valley these days?" 

Darcy's expression grimaced. "Strength has not been as competent as we had initially hoped." Darcy's grin quickly returned. "Nonetheless, we need you to travel to Frog Valley, find Andrias, and return the box to us. Only then can we begin our invasion of Earth."

Anne put a finger on her chin as she took a moment to think it through. "That seems...doable." 

Darcy closed their eyes for a second before opening them again. "Out of curiosity, how long can you use your powers for outside of the Arctic?"

"Hmm, well thanks to my training, I think I can use them for about 24 hours as long as I don't use too much energy." Anne replied. 

Darcy hummed in acknowledgement. "Very well then. We'll see you soon, Heart. Goodbye for now."

With that, Darcy disappeared as the frobot's eyes returned to normal and flew away.

Anne laid on her back and laughed as soon as the frobot was gone. "I am so gonna rub this in Sasha's face when I see her!"

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