The Four Armies

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3 Weeks Later

"Bye Sasha! See you soon!" Marcy called out as she waved goodbye alongside the Plantars outside their home.

Hop Pop was a little less enthusiastic than the rest of them but still waved all the same. "Don't come back empty-handed ya hear? We need all the help we can get!"

Sasha rolled her eye. "Don't sweat it, HP. Those toads will be bowing at my feet in no time."

Hop Pop furrowed his eyebrows. "Just remember that Grime's still in charge. You aren't the Red Queen anymore."

"Yeah, yeah, I got it." Sasha said, waving her hand dismissively.

Sasha closed her eye and in a matter of seconds, a fiery pink aura surrounded her. Sasha smiled back at the Plantars and Marcy as her hair and eye began to glow bright pink as well. "Cya later, nerds."

Sasha disappeared in a bolt of pink lightning, heading in the direction of Toad Tower.

Marcy continued to wave long after Sasha was gone before sighing. "Guess I better get going too, huh?"

Hop Pop nodded. "Olivia sent me a message today that she, Yunan, and Andrias are awaiting your arrival in Newtopia."

Sprig and Polly hugged each of Marcy's legs. Sprig smiled up at her. "We're gonna miss you!"

Marcy laughed. "Come on, guys. We'll see each other soon enough!"

Marcy crouched down and hugged each of the Plantar siblings back before standing up and walking to the clearing where Sasha had been standing.

Marcy took a deep breath and closed her eyes. A few moments later, a soft green aura surrounded the girl, causing her hair to rise up and turn green as well. Marcy opened her now glowing green eyes. "See you on the other side."

In an instant, Marcy was gone with the only indication of her departure being a green streak of light in the sky heading in the direction of Newtopia.

Hop Pop turned to his two grandchildren. "Come on kids, let's get back to Wartwood. We need to pack up before we meet the other armies in the Arctic."

Sprig perked up. "Oh, maybe Maddie can tell us about that secret project she's been working on!"

"Wait, is that why she's been spending every day in the woods for the past month?" Polly asked.

Sprig nodded. "I've asked her about it, but she always seems to dodge the question."

"Alright, that's enough, you two." Hop Pop interrupted as he guided Bessie out of the stable.

Getting their family snail back had been one of the first things the Plantars did after returning to Amphibia. With Darcy defeated, all it took was a simple ride on Joe Sparrow to get back to the barbariant tunnel where Bessie had been kept safe.

Sprig and Polly jumped onto the snail's bench-like saddle next to Hop Pop. "To the Frog Army!" Sprig yelled triumphantly as he pointed his finger in the direction of Wartwood.

Hop Pop and Polly each rolled their eyes.


Sasha arrived at Toad Tower in a manner of minutes. As she looked down upon the once mighty fortress, she noticed some slight changes.

Firstly, what remained of the outer wall had been completely dismantled, most likely used to make repairs to the tower itself.

Secondly, the flag at the top of the tower no longer displayed the Toad Rebellion symbol, but rather that of the Wartwood Resistance.

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