Sasha's Savages

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Sasha yelled from the sky as the resistance looked up in horror. "Alright, listen up you frogs. I'm gonna give you till the count of ten to scram."

Hop Pop was frozen. Those just couldn't be the same herons as the ones from all those years ago, they just can't be. However, the x-shaped scar under the wing of the heron Sasha was riding told him otherwise.

"TEN" Sasha began to count down.

Wally yelled over the panicked crowd. "Commander! What are our orders?" Mrs. Croaker seemed to be at a loss for words as she just stared up at the herons circling their position.


"I say we stay and fight," Grime said. 

Andrias nodded in agreement. "We can't run away if we want to save Amphibia."


Hop Pop snapped out of his shocked state. "Are you two crazy!? Those are herons! We don't stand a chance against those things!"


Felicia looked from the herons to Hop Pop. "I agree with Hopadiah. Wartwood was nearly wiped out last time those herons attacked."


Yunan turned her gaze to Felicia. "Well, what do you suggest we do? Run with our tails beneath our legs?" 

Felecia looked at the newt confused. "Not all of us have tails."


"Ugh, we don't have time for this!" Olivia shouted. "We need a plan and we need it now!"


Mrs. Croaker finally snapped back to reality. "Hopadiah. Felicia. Go back to base and create an evacuation route in case things get messy."


Hop Pop looked at Mrs. Croaker bewildered. "What are the rest of you gonna do?"


Mrs. Croaker smiled. "We're going to defend Wartwood. We just got this town back and I for one do not want to lose it again."


Hop Pop and Felicia ran towards the Plantar farm just as Sasha finished her countdown. "Welp you asked for it." Sasha pointed at the resistance. "Attack!"

The herons dove with their talons outstretched. Andrias swiped his flaming sword in the air, diverting the course of one of the herons as it flew back into the sky. The other heron that Sasha was on flew to the side and crushed a house as it landed.

Sasha looked down at Grime as he pulled out Barrel's Warhammer. "So this is where you disappeared to. Honestly Grimsey this is very disappointing." 

Grime glared up at her. "You've gone too far, Lieutenant. Joining up with Darcy and invading Earth is just insane, even for you."

Sasha's sinister smile turned into an angry glare as she made her heron spread out its wings knocking away the frogs surrounding it. Andrias rushed forwards and swung his sword. The heron dodged and snapped at Andrias with its beak. Andrias brought his sword up again to strike, but the other heron dove into him from the sky, knocking the former king away.

"Andrias, we need to work as a team!" Grime called out after him. He turned to the rest of the resistance. "Yunan, Olivia, do you think you can distract Sasha in the air?" The newts nodded as Grime continued. "Ok here's the plan: Olivia, Yunan, Andrias, and I will fight the herons while the rest of you figure out a way to take them down." 

Mrs. Croaker gave him a thumbs up. "You can count on us."

With that, Grime ran over to help Andrias on the ground while Olivia and Yunan took to the skies on their sparrows.

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