The Dual-Bladed Duelist

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Hop Pop was flabbergasted, gobsmacked, and absolutely fucking terrified.

Standing in front of him was Sasha Waybright in a giant mech suit with swords attached to its arms. It was primarily black with splashes of red lining the edges of its armor.

All fighting in the courtyard had screeched to a halt once Sasha had appeared. She smiled down at the resistance. "Do you like it? Darcy gave it to me as a gift and I'm very excited to try it out." The helmet of the suit closed.

"EVERYONE, FALL BACK!!!" Mrs. Croaker shouted.

The resistance ran in all directions as Sasha wound up for her first attack.

Sasha swung her swords into the nearest frogs, literally cutting them in half. She stomped forward, crushing both frogs and toads beneath her mech's feet. A trail of blood followed Sasha's rampage, as frog after frog was cut down.

At this point, the resistance was in shambles. Frogs were flooding out of the gates as they ran for their lives, while toads tried to hide wherever they could.

Hop Pop frantically looked for Sprig amongst the chaos. The old frog's stomach dropped when he saw Sprig on the ground about to be cut in half by Sasha.

Hop Pop ran as fast as he could, but he knew deep down he was too far away to save his grandson. "NO NO NO NO!" Hop Pop screamed as he ran. He swore that he would protect his remaining family no matter what.

Sasha thrust her sword at Sprig only for her sword to meet a different target.

Hop Pop watched in tears as Mrs. Croaker shoved Sprig to the side, getting stabbed through the torso herself in the process.

As Hop Pop ran to help Sprig up, he turned to Mrs. Croaker. The old frog that had been the Plantar's most loyal customer at their vegetable stand for decades, the frog that had fought for their freedom, the frog that was his long time friend fell to the ground.

Mrs. Croaker took one last look at Hop Pop as blood began pooling beneath her. "Looks like I finally kicked the bucket." She said with a chuckle, blood coming out of her mouth as she did so. Mrs. Croaker slowly closed her eyes and remained still.

The beloved commander of the resistance was gone.

There was no time to mourn, however, as Sasha was standing right in front of Hop Pop and Sprig, winding up for another attack. Hop Pop grabbed Sprig's hand and leaped backward just as Sasha's swords came down on them.

Sprig dragged his feet as Hop Pop yelled. "Sprig we gotta go!"

"We c-can't just leave her here." Sprig choked as he stared at Mrs. Croaker's body.

"I know it's hard, but there's nothing we can do for her now. Let's go before we meet the same fate!" Hop Pop said sternly.

Hop Pop pulled Sprig to the side as Sasha swung her swords at the pair, just narrowly missing the two frogs in front of her.

Sprig finally seemed to get the message as he started running towards the open gates with Hop Pop right behind him.


Polly sat in complete boredom as the rest of Squad D checked over Yunan's injuries. She turned to Andrias who was standing off to the side.

"How's the battle going?" Polly asked, still wishing she had been assigned to one of the other squads.

Andrias looked at her startled, clearly not expecting Polly to have started a conversation. "It's going well, all things considered. Before I left, we had the toads on the ropes."

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