Goodbye Wartwood (Act 2)

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Anne opened her eyes. She looked around, but she saw nothing except pure darkness as she floated aimlessly in some kind of black void. 

"Where am I?" She thought out loud.

Anne saw something in the corner of her eye. She looked to see a small gem, emitting a faint blue glow. It drifted towards her slowly as quiet, incoherent whispers emitted from it. Anne reached out and held it in her hands.

"Do you know where I am?" Anne asked.

She got no reply, so she simply stared at the gem, trying to decipher what the whispers were saying.

All of a sudden, the gem began to grow and shift in shape. Anne let go of the gem, letting it float in the void as it finished its transformation. Anne watched as the gem morphed into...herself? The other Anne had white skin and hair with several cracks running along her body. Their pupils were shaped like stars and she emitted a blue glow like the gem had been doing earlier.

The two Anne's stared at each other. The original Anne spoke first. "Um, hello?" She said with a little wave. "Do you know what's going on?"

The other Anne stayed silent as she pressed her hand to the original Anne's chest.

"What are you–?"

Anne suddenly saw flashes of memories. They were her own memories yet they didn't look familiar.

"Did you hear me X? I said I can do anything!"

"The only person I can trust is myself."

"Guess I got some training to do."

"I am so gonna rub this in Sasha's face when I see her!"

"Darcy said you needed some help."

"The world won Sprig. There's no going back."

Anne's mind returned to the void as she breathed heavily. "What *huff* the heck *huff* was that?"

The other Anne looked at her sadly before replying. "You need to remember who you are."

Before Anne could question her further, the other Anne disappeared leaving the original Anne alone in the void once more.

"What am I supposed to do now?"

Before Anne could think any longer about what she had just seen, the darkness surrounding her started to close in. Anne looked around in panic, but there was nothing she could do.

"SOMEONE! ANYONE! HELP ME PLEASE!" She yelled out, but nobody came.

Anne closed her tear-filled eyes as the void consumed her body, silencing her cries for help.


Wartwood, Two Weeks After the Battle of Toad Tower

Sprig looked between his slingshots as he was forced to make the same difficult decision he had to make 8 whole months ago. "Hmm, well maybe I should just let fate decide. It can't be much worse than last time." Sprig said as he closed his eyes and began spinning in a circle.

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