The Road to Toad Tower

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"Okay everyone, today's the day." Mrs. Croaker said as she stood on Andrias' head in the center of Wartwood.

"Today we march on Toad Tower and take back the valley!" The resistance cheered. 

Toadstool chimed in from the side. "Simmer down now everyone, simmer down. Our commander still has more to say."

Mrs. Croaker cleared her throat and pointed to a large group of frogs. "Squads A, B, C, and D will storm the tower on foot, capture Sasha, and secure Toad Tower. Without Sasha leading them, the toads shouldn't be as much of a threat to the valley."

She then pointed to Olivia, Yunan, and another group of frogs. "Squad E, under the leadership of Lady Olivia and General Yunan, will use the sparrow and our coastal kill-a-moths to provide us with air support.

Mrs. Croaker then turned to the rest of the resistance. "Squads F, G, and H will stay behind and protect Wartwood while the rest of us are away."

"Now you can cheer." Toadstool said.

Whoops and hollers were heard among the resistance as amphibians rushed to retrieve their weapons. Mrs. Croaker yelled out to the crowd as Andrias set her down. "We leave in 1 hour!"

Sprig was practically bouncing in anticipation. "I can't wait to bash some toads!" Grime and Toadstool gave him a side-eye. "I mean just the bad toads."

Grime sighed. "Most of those toads aren't bad, they just have an insane person for a ruler."

"So does that mean you don't care about Sasha anymore?" Sprig asked. 

Grime snapped his gaze back towards the frog. "Of course, I still care about Sasha. I had to convince the commander that we should capture her instead of having us kill her. She's just going through a rough patch right now and needs some serious mental help."

Sprig turned away and kicked a pebble. "From what Andrias said, it seems like Anne's going through the same thing." 

Grime put his hand on Sprig's shoulder sympathetically. "We'll get our friends back on the right track, don't you worry."

"I hope you're right." Sprig said. He stood there for a moment before seeming to remember something. Sprig began running to the Plantar farm. 

"Where are you going?" Grime called out after him. 

"There are some things I need to grab!" Sprig called back.


Sprig opened the trapdoor leading to Anne's room. It hadn't been touched since they left for Newtopia on that fateful day. Aside from some dust, it looked as though Anne still lived there as her stuff laid throughout the room, but Sprig was only here for one object.

He scanned the floor and found what he was looking for: Anne's Journal. A piece of Anne who he hadn't seen since returning to Amphibia. He clutched it close to his chest before putting it in his jacket pocket.

Next on his list was something Andrias had asked him to get. Sprig descended the stairs to New Wartwood. The underground resistance base was mostly vacant at this point as everyone had moved back to their homes in regular Wartwood, but a few frogs were still moving about, gathering weapons and other supplies.

Sprig walked over to the vault where Maddie stood guard. "Oh hey Sprig, need something?" Maddie said as she smiled at Sprig in a non-creepy way.

Sprig smiled back at her. "Hey, Maddie! I just need to grab you-know-what from the vault." 

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