Say Our Goodbyes

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Anne blinked her eyes open wearily. She groaned as she sat herself up on her elbows, her body feeling like it was made out of rocks from how exhausted she was. Turns out, using your powers for five months straight will do that to you. Who knew?

Anne looked around and sighed in relief when she noticed Sasha and Marcy lying on the ground next to her. From the looks of it, both girls seemed to be in the process of waking up as well.

Anne smiled at them before turning her gaze away to take note of the surrounding environment.

The three of them were laying on some sort of floating island in what appeared to be outer space. Anne saw something in the corner of her eyes and turned her head just in time to see a massive comet streaking past the island.

After watching the comet for several more seconds, Anne looked behind her and noticed a small house sitting on the island's edge.

Maybe she should have been more shocked by this new world, but at this point, Anne was just glad to not be in the void or blinded by revenge. It was nice to feel at least somewhat normal again.

Anne froze when she remembered what had happened right before she, Sasha, and Marcy were transported here.


Anne shuttered at the memory. It looked like she was in for the talk of her life, but it could've been worse.

Although all three of them had been seemingly stripped of their Calamity Powers, Anne's new energy arm that Blue created was still there, so things weren't all bad.

Anne looked down just in time to see Sasha groan as she opened her eye.

"Morning sleepyhead." Anne teased light-heartedly despite the situation they were in.

Sasha placed a hand on her forehead while she tried to reorient herself. "Where the hell are we?"

Anne shrugged her shoulders. "Dunno, probably gonna find out though."

Sasha opened her mouth to reply but stopped when the two of them noticed Marcy mumbling to herself as she woke up.

"...fucking anime powers..."

Sasha gasped. "Did I just hear Marcy Regina Wu swear?!"

Marcy immediately shot up. "What?! No, of course not!"

"OMG, I'm so proud of you!" Sasha said as she wiped away a fake tear. "This is a moment that will go down in history!"

Marcy's face flushed from embarrassment. "It just slipped out, okay?!"

Anne laughed as Sasha continued to tease the shorter girl about her first "naughty" word. It felt normal. It felt good to have them next to her again without them trying to kill each other.

The moment only lasted for a few seconds longer before the door of the house opened. Anne, Sasha, and Marcy all paused and stared at the doorway with various looks of confusion.

Sitting on the floor in front of the entrance to the house was Domino with Anne Prime standing right behind them. Domino stared back at the three humans before turning and walking back inside.

Anne Prime looked at the three girls nervously. "You guys should probably come in. I wouldn't keep Domino 3 waiting if I were you."

Sasha tapped Anne's shoulder. "Care to explain why there's another you following your cat around?"

"A lot happened, okay?" Anne said as she brushed Sasha off. "All you need to know is that she was there in the void with me when Blue took over my body so we should probably go see what they want."

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