Last Ditch Effort

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"Anne, you need to stop this." Mrs. Boonchuy repeated, much more calmly this time around.

"Mom...Dad..." Anne said again, her voice barely above a whisper.

Mr. Boonchuy handed his plasma gun to Jenny as he held his hand out to his daughter. "Anne, listen to your mother and come with us. We can work this out together."

Anne remained speechless as she floated in the sky, staring at her parents in shock.

Mr. X cleared his throat, snapping Anne out of her trance. "Listen here kid, what you've done is unforgivable, but I promised your parents that if you came in peacefully, you'd be spared from the death penalty."

Anne's look of shock morphed into anger as she glowered at Mr. X. "You piece of shit! How dare you trick my parents into working for you!"

Mr. Boonchuy stepped in front of Mr. X. "He didn't trick us, Anne. We chose to work for him."

Anne shook her head in disbelief as she looked from Mr. X to her parents to the FBI helicopter they were standing in. "Why?"

Mrs. Boonchuy sighed. "Anne, when you went through that portal, your father and I realized how dangerous your powers really are. We hoped that when you came back, you'd be back to your usual self, but..." Mrs. Boonchuy seemed to choke on her words as she continued. "Look around Anne! You did this! You killed people Anne!"

Anne simply stared back at her mother with a blank expression on her face. "I did what I had to do."

"Anne, look at me!" Mr. Boonchuy shouted as Anne turned her attention to him. "I did not raise my daughter to be a murderer!" He sighed as he reached his hand out again. "Please, just trust us. We can fix this."


Something inside Anne snapped at the mentioning of that one damn word.

"Trust you?! You both lost my trust the moment you told me I couldn't go back to Amphibia!" Anne's expression grew more furious by the second. "And now you're working with Mr. X, the guy that tried to capture and probably torture the Plantars."

"Hey, that's not necessarily true!" Mr. X said in an attempt to defend himself.

Anne shot him a glare before looking back to her parents. "This is who I am now, so either accept that or leave me and never come back!"

Anne breathed heavily in anger as her parents stared back at her with tears in their eyes. Mr. X sighed. "Welp, it was worth a shot."

Mr. X fired his plasma gun directly at Anne, catching her off guard. The Blue Flame fell to the ground, creating a large cloud of dust around her impact crater.

Mr. Boonchuy looked at him in shock. "What the heck, X?"

Mr. X simply reloaded his gun. "She wasn't cooperating. Now come on, we have to restrain her before she gets back up." He turned to Jenny. "Jenners, get us down there will you?"

Jenny nodded and proceeded to fly the helicopter to the ground where Anne fell, the cloud of dust still obscuring everyone's vision.

Mr. X squinted his eyes as he searched for Anne. "Anyone see her?"

"No." Mrs. Boonchuy called back as she and her husband ventured forward.

Mr. X crossed his arms. "Well she can't have just disappeared, keep looking!" Suddenly, Mr. X saw something blue in the corner of his eye. "What the—?"

Anne punched Mr. X into the side of a building, causing multiple cracks to form from the impact. Jenny looked at their partner in panic and raced over to check on him.

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