The Price

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Sasha gently pulled Marcy to her feet. Her eye stung like hell and Grime had to have been in agonizing pain after losing his arm, but all that mattered right now was getting Marcy somewhere safe.

Marcy swayed as she tried to walk. Sasha quickly grabbed her arm before she could fall. Marcy blushed slightly from embarrassment. "Thanks, Sashy."

Sasha smiled back at her. "No problem. Here, put your arm around me this time." Sasha put Marcy's arm across her shoulders as the shorter girl tried to regain her balance. "Better?"

"Better." Marcy replied.

Grime made his way over to the humans, holding Sasha's sword in his remaining hand. "Here, take this back." Grime held the sword out for Sasha to take.

"Oh, thanks Grimsey. Hey, are you sure your arm's okay?" Sasha said as she took the sword with her free hand.

Grime waved off her concerns. "Don't worry about me, us toads are resilient."

Sasha continued to stare at Grime with worry until something caught her eye. Sasha looked over with a mix of shock and annoyance as the Core's helmet suddenly began to move. The three of them watched as tiny metal legs sprouted out from inside the helmet allowing it to start scuttling away.

Sasha gritted her teeth. "Oh no you don't." She handed Marcy off to Grime then stomped over to the helmet. Sasha grabbed the thing by its legs and held it upside down. "Where do you think you're going?"

The eyes of the helmet looked panicked as it struggled to escape. Sasha smirked. "That's what I thought." In one swift motion, Sasha thrust her sword into the Core.

The eyes of the helmet quickly faded to black as Sasha watched with intense satisfaction. "Hurts, doesn't it?"

"Did you just murder the Core?!" Marcy gasped from behind her.

Sasha turned around with a smile on her face. "Sure did!"

All of a sudden, the doors of the throne room burst open as Lady Olivia and the Plantars charged in. Sprig ran in with a battle cry. "SASHA! GRIME! WE'RE HERE TO HELP YOU FIGHT!!!" He skidded to a halt once he noticed the lack of any danger. "Oh..."

"Sup, twerp." Sasha greeted as she tossed the destroyed helmet aside. "I take it the shield generator is down."

Pop nodded. "Yup, I used my master robotics skills."

"You smashed it with your mace." Hop Pop reminded her.

"It worked, didn't it!?" Polly snapped back.

Lady Olivia stepped in between the two. "What matters is that we're all safe." The newt sighed before she looked up, smiling. "Including you, it seems, Master Marcy."

Marcy pulled her arm off Grime's shoulder and ran over to Olivia with open arms and small tears in her eyes. "It's so good to see you again!"

Olivia returned the hug with a small laugh. "The feeling is mutual."

"Wait, where's Yunan?" Marcy asked as she pulled back and looked between the members of their group.

Before anyone could answer, a blue light smashed through a window, entering the throne room. Everyone watched on in shock as Anne stumbled to her feet and frantically looked around the room.

Moments later, a mechanical fist smashed into the castle wall, leaving a massive hole behind. "GET BACK HERE BOONCHUY!" Andrias' voice boomed.

Anne ignored him as she continued to look around the room until her eyes landed on one, singular object: the Music Box.

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