The Fate of All

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Andrias grunted as he cut off the head of yet another zombie with his flaming sword. "That's the last of them!"

He looked across the battlefield with heavy breaths. Hundreds if not thousands of amphibians laid dead across the snowy landscape. It was a horror show, but at least it was finally over. Andrias turned at the sound of a high-pitched voice.

"Did we win?" Sprig asked as he hopped over, his grandfather and sister following closely behind him.

Andrias sighed. "I hope so. We can't know for sure until Anne is no longer a threat."

"Speaking of which..." Grime said as he hobbled over to the group. "...where is she?"

Andrias shrugged. "Last I checked, Wu and Waybright were keeping her occupied. I wonder how that's going..."

"I'm sure they're fine." Yunan replied as she and Olivia walked towards them. "That Sasha girl can handle herself in a fight and I personally taught Marcy everything she knows."

"Let's hope you're right." Hop Pop said as he and Polly finally caught up to Sprig who was rubbing his eyes while staring up at the sky.

"Is there something in your eyes, boy?" Hop Pop asked.

Sprig shook his head and pointed his finger upwards. "Hey uh, is it just me, or is the Moon getting closer?"

Suddenly the ground began to shake uncontrollably as the remaining soldiers of the Amphibian Army began to panic.

"What's going on!"

"Is that the Moon?"


Andrias looked up at the now glowing blue Moon. "It can't be."

"What can't be?!" Yunan shouted.

"It seems the Core's final gambit has been activated!" Andrias replied in disbelief.

Grime looked up at Andrias confused as he used Barrel's Warhammer to maintain his balance. "Sasha killed the Core! I saw her do it myself!"

Realization suddenly slapped Andrias in the face. "Leif's vision..."

"What about it?!" Sprig asked.

Andrias stared up at the Moon as it grew larger and larger in the sky. "Leif said that we had upset the ecosystem of the multiverse by using the stones. I think this is what she meant."

Sprig looked from Andrias to the Moon. "So that means..."

"...the prophecy has finally come to pass." Andrias finished.


Marcy looked from Anne to the Moon then back at Anne again. "Anne, what are you doing? What's going on?"

"Aw, how cute. You still think this is my vessel's doing?" Anne laughed. "She's gone now, trapped within her own soul for eternity. I am the Spirit of the Blue Calamity Stone so for the brief amount of time that you have left in your pitiful lives, you may call me Blue for short."

Sasha furrowed her eyebrows. "Give us our friend or I'll rip her out of you myself."

Blue grinned. "I'd like to see you try."

A blue wave of energy began to swirl around the stump where Anne's right arm used to be. Sasha and Marcy watched as a new arm and hand made of pure blue energy slowly materialized where the old one once was.

"My vessel only scratched the surface of what's possible with these powers." Blue said as they tested out their new hand.

They sighed when they looked back at the Champions of Wit and Strength. "I'm honestly disappointed in the two of you. You both had so much potential as vessels for your respective gems. I'm sure Green and Pink would just love to get in on the action but they're trapping in your filthy little souls like I was."

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