Chapter 1

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Before we begin, I wanted to start off by saying this is a Boy Of Choice story in 2nd person, where I'll be inserting you as the reader into the story as best as I can and have multiple endings and events happening to fit your choice of bachelor. If you read my previous stuff you may notice some similarities, as I thought I was super clever and I'm not creative enough to change certain aspects (such as parent/teacher choices). So far your list of Bachelors are: Sora, Riku, Roxas, Ventus, Vanitas, Axel, and Noctis. I am mainly focusing on KH characters, but Noctis was so popular from my last fanfic I felt the need to put him in this story.

Trigger warning: I have absolutely no filter. This story will have cursing, drugs, sexual assault, self harm, murder etc etc. Unfortunately, some of these events do happen in everyday life and lots of kids deal with these issues with little to no support from adults. As you read please be weary of friends and families and learn the warning signs. Read at your own risk.


You would never forget your past experiences. The way your father used to treat you gave you nightmares. You haven't seen him in years as he did not have custody over you anymore. He still ensured to go out of his way to send you gifts for your birthday or Christmas, but any calls or texts you received were ignored. You were bitter and angry, feeling smothered by a cloud of negative feelings towards that man.

You wanted nothing to do with him again. The spiral he sent you down before the divorce, it took you quite a while to recover any sense of normalcy. Your mother did whatever she could to get you to smile, whether that was simply being goofy, taking you out to get your favorite dessert, or giving you space when you needed it. The abuse from that man resulted in several mental health issues, including severe depression and anxiety. The one and only thing that kept you going was her. Her sweet smile, her silly demeanor, and her extroverted personality forced you out of your room in an attempt to live a normal life. Your mother never knew of the abuse happening before the divorce, and she did everything she could to make it up to you. You felt a sense of relief whenever she was around.

She was wonderful.

You avoided most people at your school, not interested in making friends at the time. You had trouble taking hold of your emotions sometimes, and with some of your mental health issues you didn't want to burden anyone else with your problems as you worked on healing. Sometimes you did wish you had someone else other than your mother as you were sure she was drained from working and being a parent. However, she always held her head up high and always smiled when you were around. You never could help yourself but smile back.

You walked into your home, ensuring to call to your mother as you entered. You never heard an answer back, which peaked your curiosity. Maybe she was taking a nap? Usually by this time she was up and doing things around the apartment, and if she was working she would have locked the door.

You made your way into the living room and dining room area, which greeted you as soon as you entered the home. The back of the sectional gray couch faced you as you peered over the top, seeing if your mom had fallen asleep. No. It was empty. You noticed a book resting on the glass coffee table, the TV was still running with the remote on the floor. You walked around the couch and picked up the remote, gently sitting it on the coffee table. Turning to your right was the black dining room table and chairs, consisting of a gray table runner that was neatly resting on top. Nothing there. You peeked into the kitchen using the breakfast bar, which was empty. With a frown you made your way to her room, noticing the door was ever so slightly cracked open.

You whispered for your mom as you opened the door, instantly noticing a peculiar smell coming from inside. You covered your mouth and nose with the back of your hand, wincing as you fully forced the door open. You reached towards the light switch with a free hand, feeling something wet and sticky. Your fingers flicked the switch on, and you stared in dismay at the sight before you.

The once white sheets were coated in dark red blood, which had splattered onto the bed and wall behind the bedframe. You could see droplets scattered all over the room, including the light switch. You shakily looked to your hand, noticing that you had touched the liquid when you turned on the switch.

Your breath halted as you crept your way to the bed, seeing the blankets covering a lump. With a gulp you threw the blankets off, and your eyes grew wide with hysteria.

You screeched your mother's name at the top of your lungs.

Smother {Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy Reader Insert} {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now