The Assault to Save Lucy

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Arasaka Tower, Night City, 7:22 pm

The scene opens to reveal the edgerunners group, which was a total of four members on their way to save lucy. The members included David Martinez, Rebecca, Falco, and [Y/n] who was a new guy. Although, he was special since he also used a Sandevistan but could accomplish netrunner things and could create cyberware to implant him and his friends. He may also be in a relationship with rebecca but thats not the point right now.

"Ok so the plan to rescue Lucy is a go, David will use the cyberskeleton to overpower the arasaka agents, while us three will hold off everyone else on the ground floor so we can easily escape right" [y/n] summarized as he looked at his newly aquired comrades and gf

"Always up to blow the heads off of corpos and badges" Rebecca said with insane enthusiam

"It'll be one hell of a shootout but i'll get you guys out as quick as possible...too bad its not high noon or else i'd join in" Falco sighed

"Alright [Y/n], I'll see you on the other side too, i'll bring lucy back to us and zero that corpo asswipe" David smirked

Sometime later.... David infiltrated Arasaka but came across Adam Smasher

David uses an ability of the cyberskeleton that ended up crushing the red suit corpo into the ground, separating one of his legs, and conversation of legends began

"Adam Smasher Hurry!, go on kill the boy" Red Suit Corpo ordered

"Who the fuck are you" the mechanized war machine known as adam smasher said

"You fucking merc, do your job!" Red Suit corpo demanded

"My with the kid" Adam said while looking at David

"That's Adam Smasher?" David questioned over his shoulder then got in his face "So this is Adam Smasher in the chrome, NC boogeyman of Legend" David said in a way of slight respect

"You're packing some pretty heavy artillery for someone your size boy, I'm surprised you can even string two words together" he mocked

"Likewise Choom, heard you went no ganic full borg, so i gotta ask any brain left in that chrome dome of yours" David interrogated

"Could say i'm special" he replied

"Well so the fuck am i" David retorted

"That a joke" he mocked again

David looked to where the corpo used to be and noticed he was gone then turned his head to see trauma team helping him, this caused flashbacks to his mother and causing him to yell out to where adam shoots him in the gut

"Could you really afford distractions now?" Adam questioned

David started to get agitated and his breathing was off before screaming out causing his sandevistan to go in four different directions, one to kill the trauma team and the corpo, one to get lucy to safety and the other two would kill anyone else. In that same moment david didn't realize adam used a sandevistan to shoot a homing rocket at his final destination where the sandevistan ended. The impact of the explosion sent him out the window where it showed david and lucy kissing and the scene ended with them joining the other three

"Falco get lucy out of here-" David ordered while rebecca noticed a certain mech fall from above

"Grr... we're having a moment here fuck you!" Rebecca shot upward while adam was an inch from crushing her to death if it not for [y/n] using the sandevistan to get her out of the way but the intense impact brought them all down

"Rebecca, [y/n], you guys okay!" Falco hollered while thumps of a mecha merc walking closer to them and soon engaged in combat with David

"Yeah, we're okay, fuck albeit we fell through the glass" [y/n] coughed "Falco if david goes down, and is dismantled, i will buy you guys time to escape, ya got me"

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