Khaos with Some Edge

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Underworld, [y/n]'s Quarters

Currently in the underworld, within gremory territory is where our protagonist [y/n] is working on a project. Rover was currently chewing on a plushtoy of shalba beelzebub. He adds the bullet to the magazine, he puts the full magazine into a pocket dimension he invented with the help of ajuka.

Simply a way for his research and creations, not to be stolen or copied. A knock was heard but rover wasn't growling so it wasn't an enemy. "Come in" he said which prompted koneko to walk in with a slightly red face and cat like features.

"Oh koneko, what's going on? Everthing good?" He asked turning to her

"M-mhm" she said nodding her head, something was wrong but he kept his cool to figure it out

"Wassup choom, ya need something" he asked when suddenly rover got up without command and stepped outside.

"I need you" she said confirming his suspicions as she locked the door and approached him

"I'm guessing you're in heat right now, i will help you but don't bet on getting pregnant, your body can't handle it" he said before pointing to his bed

"I...i appreciate you, that you would help me like this" she stripped down to nothing while having only her cat like appendages out. She then laid on his bed watching him undress, and for the first time saw his cybernetic lines that connected his body

She kept her composure as he leaned himself over here "are you ready for this shirone" he whispered in her ear surprising the nekomata with the information

"You know my real name?" She asked to which he nodded then kissed her neck causing her to slightly purr

Although before their moment of pleasure could continue rebecca entered the room to see the scene. "So this is what you call training hmm, then it seems endurance levels will need to skyrocket"

The door closed and what could be described as muffled moans coming from the room was the least worrying thing about [y/n]'s predicament. Just down the hall, david and akeno were smirking since they thought of the plan that [y/n] needed some time away from work.

"Well, that worked out smoothly, though i wanted to talk to you about your hatred for your father, Baraquiel" David said

Akeno frowned by just david mentioning his name "i don't wish to talk about that man" she turned away to leave but the next set of words stopped her

"I know what its like to lose someone important like a mother" david said

"What? How would you know that" akeno said bewildered that david was showing his soft side

"Unlike you it was only my mother and i, all she wanted was what was best for me, then that fateful day where a gang caused a car accident. In a world where status and money are the only thing that matter, the paramedics ignored us leaving my mother to die, right before my eyes" David explained the first half

Akeno was shocked that it was almost like her past, only tidbits were different "come with me and i'll explain my half" she grabbed his hand and lead him to her room. While they left [y/n] came out from his room with a few scratch marks on his back, then headed to the bath, the door creaked open to show both girls laying on his bed sprawled out.

Meanwhile, in a disclosed area far from the gremory territory, a group of people sit around a table discussing a plan to defeat their common enemy.

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