Heroes, Devils and a Punk

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Kyoto, Japan 4:32 pm

The stage has been set, the ritual to summon Great Red is about to commence, The Alliance had gained a new ally which was the yokai faction, their mission was to rescue yasaka from the hero faction.

Speaking of the hero faction, their group for the ritual consisted of Cao-Cao, Seigfried, Jeanne, Heracles, Georg(Gae-org) and [y/n]. There was a trap that Georg set for the Red Dragon Emperor, which was ordered by Cao-Cao.

The strike force that was taking on the hero faction group, they consisted of Issei, Saji, Asia, Xenovia, Irina, Kunou, Rosseweisse and Kiba

While the others headed towards the ritual site, issei took a detour into the subway system. His senses were going haywire from an energy of another dragon but it wasn't vali nor saji.

He equipped his balance breaker on guard while also protecting kunou, at the end of the platform a black with white outlined mass emerged from the floor. It slowly took form and it looked identical to him, except for the color scheme.

"What the heck is this, why am i in a mirror match, this isn't 1960's spiderman" issei questioned

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"What the heck is this, why am i in a mirror match, this isn't 1960's spiderman" issei questioned

"Well here is a better question, why did you give up on being harem king, all the boobs you could fondle!" The clone said

"Oh i get it, you're my past self and a different timeline where [y/n] didn't exist" he crossed his arms

"No he did, but i killed him since he was getting in the way of my dream, made sure to unable to come back" the clone laughed "took advantage of the vulnerable koneko and she fell for me"

Issei put kunou down and told her to move a few steps back, behind that helmet were tears mixed with anger. "What's the point of harem king if you can't have a mentor to help grow your power and help you protect them"  issei said

"With the power of the breast grabbing dragon, i can take on anyone thanks to my perverted desire" the clone said pridefully

"Y-you dare insult Ddraig, he is highly respected and is practically family to me" issei growled and charged the boosters in his back

"Oh? He's just a tool for my benefit-" he didn't utter another word as he received a gut punch

"[Y/n] is my mentor, Ddraig is my brother, vali is my equal rival, and i love rias gremory with all my heart!!" Issei stated unleashing a multitude of haymakers

"Its better than being a pervert that others look down upon" he empowered his fist with magic and delivered a crushing blow making the clone crash into the wall

"Impossible my desire for boobs is stronger, it allowed me to overpowered vali, then i'll just tap into the juggernaut drive again" the clone claimed as the chant started

Issei just stood there watching him transform into an imperfect juggernaut drive with its color scheme

Issei just stood there watching him transform into an imperfect juggernaut drive with its color scheme

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