Beyond the Edge

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Unknown Time, Ajuka's Lab, Underworld

In an underground lab, two figures were standing in front of a set of blueprints. These two people were [y/n] and ajuka beelzebub, current satan of the beelzebub faction.

The duo were intelligently conversing over what will power such a large and complex machine "what about ten magic casters with a large mana pool" ajuka suggested

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The duo were intelligently conversing over what will power such a large and complex machine "what about ten magic casters with a large mana pool" ajuka suggested

"We'd need almost 100 of them to atleast power it up and by then, the casters will be drained" [y/n] retorted

They have been here for a few hours after their initial greeting and thought processing being on an intergalactic level. Most devil scientists wouldn't understand what they were saying.

"Is there a being in this world that can generate an infinite amount of power" [y/n] asked

"Mmm yes there is but i don't think they would help us and i'm not sure they would help us for a simple deal" ajuka explained while grabbing his chin

"Well who is it exactly" he asked

"They have many names but they go by Ophis, the ouroboros dragon god of infinity" ajuka revealed

"A little on the nose really..." [y/n]'s face froze realizing something

He pulled out his phone and called someone who might know the location of ophis "c'mon i know you'll pick up if i call you"

The call was answered "ah so we're finally gonna fight, where we duelling" it was vali

"No i'm calling about the location of Ophis, i know you have info on how to contact them" he said

"Dammit well if thats what you're calling about then forget it" vali refused

"What about a trade then, tell ophis to meet with me in a certain location and i'll fight you full power" he offered

"....where" vali muttered

"X: 1064, Y: 17, Z: 420" he replied

"Next saturday, we're fighting, you better not back out" he hung up

"Now we wait for ophis to appear, i'm gonna guess they'll also want something in return for their help" he turned to ajuka who looked impressed

"You have many connections to powerful people" ajuka said

"A blessing and a curse honestly" he sighed

After a few moments of waiting, from the darkness and snakes, a small goth loli appeared from them.

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