Never Fade Away

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Everyone was standing before a gateway that was opened, they were at the ready to fire. They didn't have to do anything as the one to walk through was [y/n]. There was silence as they looked at him for some kind of clarification.

He raised his fist high "The War is Over!!!" He shouted

The roars of victory from everyone were heard, the cheers from the stands were loud as [y/n] realized the battle was all recorded. "So then how bout a feast over this victory!" [Y/n] shouted

Everyone shouted in agreement and left towards gates that lead to a massive banquet hall filled with food already prepared. A red haired man with gold highlights in a suit showed up to join in on the feast.

It was great red, he then challenged vali and issei to drinking competition, anything involving drinks, Silverhand joined in on the fun.

The room soon started to boom but was cut short by a sudden portal opening, out came a man long red hair

The room soon started to boom but was cut short by a sudden portal opening, out came a man long red hair

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"Hmm, you seem to be enjoying yourselves" the man said

"Who are you" Rias asked

"None of your concern, but you could call Author" The Author said

"Why are you here, are you a villain" David asked

"I am not Villain but nor am i a hero, anyway i've come to reward you on telling your Ending" he said pulling out a wand

"This is farewell [y/n], AVADA KEDAVR- no i'm kidding, since you beaten your greatest enemy, its only fair i return to you what i stole" he said

"What do you mean? Were you the one who ate my powdered donuts!?" He asked

"" he lied through his teeth, because he was gonna go give him a flashback to night city but decided to devour the donuts instead

"Ahem anyway, i was about to give you the reward, something i think you'll like" he used the staff to open a door filled with souls

"Is that the spirit realm?" Issei asked

"Yep, you guys can come out now" he hollered

Soon several figures exited the door which were revealed to be the old edgerunners, David's mom, jackie wells and [y/n]'s real parents. Of course the emotions were explosive for everyone.

David was crying waterfalls and hugged his mother and his father figure maine. Rebecca and Pilar glared at eachother but hugged eachother. [Y/n] hugged Dorio and Falco as he apologized to the latter profusely.

The V twins, Mama Wells, Misty and The Valentinos were group hugging Jackie also crying to see him again.

[Y/n] approached his parents which restarted his memory of how they truly looked

He hugged his mom and she hugged him back tightly "you've grown so big, i expect to see some grandkids" she joked making him embarrassed

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He hugged his mom and she hugged him back tightly "you've grown so big, i expect to see some grandkids" she joked making him embarrassed

"The young lad has grown up to be a fine man, even if there are traces of dark energies, how many have you bed with" his father smirked with pride

"The young lad has grown up to be a fine man, even if there are traces of dark energies, how many have you bed with" his father smirked with pride

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"Ben, you goofball, our son is healthy and good" she said feeling pressure on her leg

She looked down to see a six eyed fluffy canine "oh who is this little monster"

"That is rover, quite a good boy for defense and offense" [y/n] said

The man watched everyone be happy and slowly faded into the background and headed outside. He walked away from the banquet hall but was stopped "who are you actually"

"[Y/n] the fourth wall is already broken enough, but i am the Author, the God above God of this world. This is goodbye, because it is the end of the story here" he said

"I hope those who learn of this story, find a sort thrill" [y/n] said

"I hope so too...." the man faded into blossoms and blew into the sky ".....until next time chooms"

And that's the end...

Hope you all enjoyed this book, its been a rollercoaster for sure. 38 chapters, damn that is a lot for me, maybe heroes and villains will be something new....

Take care chooms <3

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