Rescue and Destroy

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Visual Observations Room, Underworld, with [y/n], Sona and Tsubaki

After ten days of training for the ORC to prepare for the rating game against riser phenex. For only ten days, their strength was commendable, including how it only left three members of riser's team. The rating game went canonically with rias losing but also having issei beaten by riser relentlessly. Rias surrendered and ended the game but Riser decided to make a small callout.

"See rias, riser easily beat you, the wedding will continue. As for the human who humilated me, look at your weakness compared to me, you failed your friends and you disappointed your parents. I bet they wouldn't bear to see their worthless child." Riser said shocking rias at the speech he made

[Y/n] stared at the screen as it turned off and he started shake while two memories played in his mind. One was of his friends, his crew all falling in battle or from their own pride, he even failed to save falco. The other was his father and mother being killed and mutilated by scavs when he was only 11 years old.

"He's....shaking" Sona stared at [y/n] concerned that someone so calm was now shaking

He suddenly stopped shaking mumbling "what would he know about my life, i saved my friends from Smasher, received respect from him, was adopted by Wakako and trained by her into a great mercenary" he sighed and looked up

"He should now be scared, because i am going to mess him up" [y/n] said with a smile but didn't notice that sona saw his eyes bug out in his moment of insanity

"Well, it should be an interesting night in the underworld" Sona added

"I have no doubt that issei won't charge in to rescue rias after losing, guy might be a pervert but he has the heart of a hero. The ORC will back him up if he needs it and he were to fall to riser then i will avenge him" he strategized

"Quite a thought out plan, but how is a human like yourself going to get to the underworld with killing yourself" Tsubaki said

"Oh that is simple but when i arrive, i require a flare to let me know where the ceremony is being held" he looked at sona hoping she can pick up what he's asking

Sona sighed realizing what he's asking "ugh fine but only if you promise to tell me about the bug eyes you just had when you were shaking"

"Hmm alright deal but if the information of it gets out to anyone, i will full on annihilate those who know about it do you understand" he promised

"You have my word that i won't reveal the reason of it" she said seriously

"Okay, meet me in a secluded cabin on the edge of kuoh for the information, if you're thinking i'm going to do something i'm not because i'm in a good relationship" he declared

"What no i wasn't- nevermind, i will meet you there, but first the flare will be blue, just rub this sigil and it will notify me" she handed him a paper with a sigil of her family crest

"See you then Sona, sorry about the flashbang from before" he apologized before leaving

'Hm he actually remembered, good that means i don't have to worry about serafall hunting him' she thought before leaving with Tsubaki

Plans were made and goals were set, [y/n] contacted Azazel for the first part of the plan "hey choom, can you transport me into the underworld, i'm going to crash a wedding"

"Heh must've been a good price to ask you to do that am i right" he replied

"An arrogant seagull decided to blab his mouth about my family and friends, but technically i'm just back up for Issei" he elaborated

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