The Edge Within Kuoh Pt 1.

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8:47 am, [y/n]'s pad, kuoh town

The scene opens to [y/n]'s bed, where it can be seen that rebecca was cuddling [y/n]. She was taking every opportunity to sleep with him since she missed him so much. [Y/n] wasn't opposed to the idea as he too was cuddling her closely. Quite the wholesome duo when let's go see david and lucy.

We all know what we will see considering these two could never get intimate on the moon. The duo were asleep but nude of course, snuggling against eachother for warmth after about 6 rounds of sex.

Yesterday, when the quadrio got to the pad, [y/n] had to give the run down on how things operated over here. Unlike night city, it was more of a past like time, it took place in the early 2000's. Although, there were more than just humans among them, there were the three factions of the supernatural that he learned anyway - Fallen Angels, Angels, and Devils.

He also had to explain to lucy, being the second hacker of the group, that her hacking abilities work somewhat against magic casters. They use magic circles, so similar to the lost magic called analysis magic, you could make it malfuction, turn on the caster or make it detonate. Although, like hacking you have to know about the sigils and their properties.

Rebecca was fine, just watch out for barriers, since we don't have any supply of anti-magic, wait until lucy or he hacks them then start blastin.

When he talked to david about this situation, he was giddy about one, and concerned about another.

"Hey, david do you know what better than one sandevistan user, two sandevistan users. But that begs my second question, how is your cyberpsychosis been" he asked

"One that is indeed nova way of words and second, after the removal of the cyber skeleton, the levels of going psycho were dropped significantly but sometimes there a few twitches" david answered

"I have the materials for the immunosuppressants to upgrade your sandevistan, so you don't have that collapsing montage again" the ripperdoc in him woke up

"I can use it 10 times and you can use it 30 times before collapsing, so fuck it upgrade me to 20 uses" david agreed before entering the closet that was modified into a ripperdoc service station

"I can use it 10 times and you can use it 30 times before collapsing, so fuck it upgrade me to 20 uses" david agreed before entering the closet that was modified into a ripperdoc service station

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"This is way more preem than doc's shop" he complimented

"Well that old coot was old school, couldn't even put his patients on pain killers to lessen the pain" he scoffed before retrieving the cyberware chip

"Alright, sit and relax this will only take a moment" he said while david sat down facing his back to him

[Y/n] proceeded to open the port on the sandevistan, located at the back of david's neck, he inserted the auto-immunosuppressant chip "there we go, now you won't have to worry about going psycho for a while"

"Nova, thanks [y/n]" david said

Back to the present, the wholesome duo were still snoozing until he received a text from rias. He checked it to see what she wanted

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