Mortals vs a God

339 3 14

Underworld, The Badlands

The scene opens to a group of people staring at a pyramid of magic, which was sealing the norse god loki. The group members consisted of Sona, Tsubaki, Saji, Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Kiba, Xenovia, Issei, Irina, [y/n], david, rebecca, lucy, and rover.

Loki was released from the seal, to put it simply, he was annoyed in two things, letting himself fall into a predicament of getting sealed. While the other was the fact that they sent a bunch of kids to fight him.

"To think that bunch of mortals are facing a god, you should be begging for my forgiveness-" loki said before a gunshot rang out, he felt sudden pain when part of his ear was blown off and his cheek was scratched

"I've been injured, but they are just mortals-" he soon looked at the boy who claimed to have a god slaying bullet.

"I warned you once didn't i" [y/n] reminded which enraged loki, he then summoned fenrir, two other similar wolves and even a huge serpent

"I warned you once didn't i" [y/n] reminded which enraged loki, he then summoned fenrir, two other similar wolves and even a huge serpent

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"Fenrir, Hati and Skoll, this will be a difficult battle, since jormungandr is a dragon king" Rossweisse said

Issei entered his balance breaker and flew up to battle loki, who tried to use magic which was easily deflected. Issei charged at loki and was almost intercepted by hati if not for three golden rope like weapons. The three golden lines wrapped themselves around hati's neck, back left leg, and front right leg.

It was revealed to be lucy, irina and [y/n] using the golden wire before yanking hati down into a sword birth made by kiba. The tag team successful killed hati, while issei connected his fist with loki's stupid face.

Rover was easily curb stomping skoll who was perplexed that another hound like this existed "atta boy rover! Show him whose boss" David said while sending several rockets at jormungandr from his pls

Tsubaki backed him up when the serpent breathed fire at him, she got in the way "mirror alice!" She called out putting up a mirror which shattered and sent the attack back at him with double the damage.

"Who are you, meliodas" david joked while avoiding a bite from the sepent and retaliated by punching it in the eye.

Akeno who used lightning on the serpent but it barely did anything to it, the words of david really got to her. She was snapped from her thoughts when david yelled out to her.

"Its your own power! Not his!" David said allowing her to push through her darkness and used holy lightning on the serpent effectively knocking it down.

Suddenly, loki snapped his fingers which started a bombardment of magic lasers, some were able to guard themselves with barriers but some were unlucky.

[Y/n], Kiba, Saji, and Xenovia had fallen in battle, Rias took the opportunity to use phoenix tears on the fallen devils with the help of the others who were closest.

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