[Side Story] One Crazy Bitch

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Kuoh Town, Solaire's Sunlight Tavern, 6:23 pm

"Lad are you sure about this one, i mean this person is beyond sane after her lover died" Andre wiping a glass

"Well i mean, she looks ok, but her body count of over 10,000 worries me..." [y/n] looked at the wanted poster

"In reality, she is one crazy bitch" the camera revealed the girl they were discussing over

"Well, its best to take care of them" he took the poster and headed out to the eastern district of kuoh, where more of the supernatural reside along with the more criminal types of people

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"Well, its best to take care of them" he took the poster and headed out to the eastern district of kuoh, where more of the supernatural reside along with the more criminal types of people

He scanned the area, any security cameras that could possibly locate the last known location then track her pathing after that. He had no luck, the ping ability could only go so far as a 30 m radius.

He continued to walk down the sidewalk search before hearing an innocent tone "yuki..where did you go, why aren't you talking to me" he looked down the alleyway to see a pink haired girl holding a lifeless and decaying corpse of Yukiteru

"Yuno Gasai, i could help you meet yuki" [y/n] approached while aiming his pistol at her

"Oh are you another angel then let me send you back to the bastard" she stood up and turned with a yandere expression aka downright unhinged

"If only i were an angel, my sins would make me the next satan" his aim didn't falter

"You're here to take yuki from me, i won't let you" she charged him with an axe and swung down in a diagonal motion to the left "die!"

[Y/n] stepped to the side and threw a left hook which surprising was countered and riposted with a kick to the solar plexes.

"Damn that could down any normal person, you seem to be giving your all, admirable but foolish" he said grabbing her suspended leg and slamming her into the wall

She closed her eyes from the impact of the wall but fixated her dull pink eyes on [y/n] and threw a knife at his face which he dodges by tilting his head. She smirked while he focused on her "so that's it"

She soon was released as [y/n] prepared his comrade's hammer to end her quickly. Fate seems to dislike him as she avoided the gunshot fired at her head and kicked for his head which landed.

She must've been wearing some shoes made from titanium because it stunned him slightly, she made another attack on him connecting with his left cheek.

"Hehe you have lost and now to use your life essence to revive yuki so we can together again forever" she did some weird crazy obsessive move when mentioning yuki

"Dammit i don't want to use it as much as david would rely on it, its an ace for a reason" he prepared the electrified upgrade on his gorilla fists "as much as i hate it, i have to immobilize her" he went full on street brawler

"Oh fighting back is unwise you should just die" she charged him again

Suddenly his eyes glowed white and he got into a stance "if i can't win maybe they can" he muttered before charging her at double the speed screaming "APAPAPAPAP PAAAAAH" connecting an elbow to her jaw causing her fly back from such momentum

"Wh-what the hell, what was that movement and that expression, he wasn't this way earlier" she said before slightly dodging a knee by leaning backward and transitions into a backflip

"What the hell is going on" yuno was confused on the sudden change

"Apapapah!! The death god of Muai Thai underworld Apachai Hopachai, i'm here to take you straight back to hell with me bastard!" He said with his voice changed to fit it

"You will die even if i must beat you til you're a dismembered corpse, that will please yuki~" she was indeed crazy but its still a mystery why they get a raise in strength

"Oh shut up about yuki, i get you love him" he performed a punch that she was ready to counter but he feinted it and used a leg sweep. He quickly tried doing an axe kick but again she rolled to the side avoiding it. However, the ground wasn't as lucky, the amount of force in the axe cracked the concrete

"My head would've split like a watermelon" she pulled out a katana from God knows where and performs 8 slashes in 8 different directions

[Y/n] dodged smoothly while a series of sounds relating to a song plays as he avoids the strikes "heh i guess i'm him"

"Grrr! Just stay still and let me win! Don't men have to let women win fights" she growled

"I am a believer of gender equality" he uppercuts her into the air and before she hits the ground he takes a stance and struck her in the same quick motion

"I am a believer of gender equality" he uppercuts her into the air and before she hits the ground he takes a stance and struck her in the same quick motion

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She finally coughed up blood from the heavy blow "you're done for now!" He used the monowire in his wrist to pull her leg into another smack down

"No! i am a goddess of ultimate power you can't fathom the strength i could-" he slammed her around like hulk did loki

"No! i am a goddess of ultimate power you can't fathom the strength i could-" he slammed her around like hulk did loki

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"Heh puny goddess" he picked up comrade's hammer and aimed at her head "any last words?"

"Y-yea, how's your sister" she looked at him

"Don't got one" he blasted her head off with one bullet

"Jesus christ, the more i do these, the more i believe it wasn't just me who got transported to this world, i mean hell and heaven are real but so are ghoulish monsters. What's next a pig with a crown, an owl with a batman themed outfit, or better yet a cybernetic organism from a distant timeline, hunting a kid who would start a rebellion against them" he hopefully didn't have to find those things

"Well imma head home, been a while since i last slept, i'll text rebecca too just to check in if the remnants of edgerunners are still hidden from corpo swines" he planned while burning both yuki and yuno together "just a humble thing i can do" he left

Hey chooms, its a bit of a small chapter since we both know what confrontation you wanna see. I'll be working on it now and i'm working again so updates are a lil slow. But i will be trying my hardest to make chapters.

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