Epilogue Part 1: Fun & Games

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The rooftop was silent as [y/n] and Elanor stared at each other, the former was at a loss for words as he slowly went forward towards her.

He made it to her without her attacking and hugged her "you're actually alive, i thought i lost everyone" he said

Elanor just held him for but a moment and [y/n] enjoyed it as much as possible. "You've left yourself wide open" she was about to do what kylo ren did to han solo

"Indeed i have but you're surrounded and they will take you down before you make that move" he stated while elanor looked to see a small army surrounding her.

They were a bit odd looking seeing that they look like dark misty knights led by a knight with a red trail coming from its helm. It must be the captain to which questions were answered, "Erebus of The Khaos Brigade, if you ignite your blade then we, knights of shadow moon will execute you"

"Well now, you really know how to make friends" she said and threw [y/n] towards the captain which caught him with one arm

Elanor then made her exit by creating a tear in the space time contineum "until we meet again [y/n]" she said before the tear closed

The soldiers also disappeared with her leave since they completed their job it seemed.

Timeskip a few hours

The class of kuoh academy boarded the train to return back to kuoh, Yasaka, Kunou and the old lady - Gloriosa bid them farewell.

"Thank you very much for coming, we will be very happy to see you again" yasaka bowed her head and so did kunou, but that was only to the devils

Gloriosa and [y/n] were at the other end of the platform talking "well now, it seems you didn't mess up like i presumed and you followed the words of someone in need" she said wacking his shin with her cane

"Ouch! Dammit aunt Gloriosa even if my legs are enhanced you still somehow hurt me" [y/n] was then seen rubbing his shins

"Of course, i am not just old you know, even sun wukong was nowhere near my level in my prime" gloriosa claimed

The devils boarded the train and it was about to leave, [y/n] did two things before hopping on that train. He kissed his auntie on the cheek before speeding over to the fox duo, he gave them both a pat on the head. Yasaka acted like a young girl holding his forearm to keep him there, while kunou enjoyed it similar to tsundere.

"I bid thee farewell [y/n], i thank you for the help in rescuing me" yasaka bowed

"It was no problem, but i must warn you that in the future, a battle will occur, do i have your support" he asked

Yasaka looked at him with a smile "of course, call upon us when you need it"

"Thank you" he said patting her head again before leaving via boarding the train

Gloriosa walking behind them with a brightened up expression as the three watched the train leave. Upon the rooftops two kitsunes watched the train leave "haruhime, how much information have you gathered on [y/n] [l/n]"

"He is 23 years old, a former mercenary turned bounty hunter, he is currently leading a group called the edgerunners, his body is enhanced by robotic upgrades" haruhime listed

"So he is the one who the creator is interested in right now" he said grabbing chin to think

It was revealed to be one who was among the devils to teach at their school, but the creator scrapped it

It was revealed to be one who was among the devils to teach at their school, but the creator scrapped it

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