Technology vs Magic

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Kuoh Town, Kuoh Academy, 10:23 pm

"This is the end for you all" kokabiel laughed before rebecca opened fire with her machine gun which caused him to block with his wings

"Just insects with toys, let me show you real power!" He prepared a magic sigil for another spear but forgot about lucy who ended up cancelling his spell

"Nice one lucy!" David said before throwing a punch which was countered by having his arm grabbed and thrown.

Kiba and Xenovia came to their aid to attack kokabiel, he blocked both swords with light swords. Koneko tried performing a sneak attack but kokabiel used his wings to knock them all away.

"Fuck i don't want to use it but i'm gonna need to if i want to stay in the game, everyone give me 5 minutes!" He rushed over to the two bikes he and the others arrived on

"You got it [y/n]" rebecca continued blasting relentlessly at kokabiel but he simply knocked her away while kiba slashed at him but he caught it with one hand. He summoned a second sword to slash but it caught again.

"Give up" kokabiel said smirking

"Never!" Kiba then harnessed his inner zoro summoning a third sword in his mouth and cut his cheek

"Nngh you cut me!" He threw him back and fired a large ball of light at kiba who was trying to get up, xenovia jumped in to block it and slash it in half with durandal

"Hey sekiryuutei, why fight with a bunch of weaklings who have clearly lost their master" kokabiel said

"What do you mean lost their master?" Xenovia asked

"Oops that just slipped out, but since i'm starting a war and you'll all be dead soon i will shed some light. During the last great war, God actually died along with the four great devil kings" he revealed shocking everyone to the point asia fainted while xenovia was shaking

"I don't really care about that, i'm just pissed that we had to stop the war because of it" he shouted clearly pissed

Everyone stood there but david fired a rocket from his pls hitting kokabiel in the back "so what if God's dead, we've been doing fine without him"

Rebecca got up with her hmg, she changed it to a different mode that [y/n] designed, basically it has slower firing speed but uses explosive rounds. She suppressed him from attacking, the edgerunners made the others clench their fists.

"He's right, let's fight this guy and make sure no one else has to lose something they loved" issei said with conviction before green rings came out of his boosted gear

"That light i've seen it before" kiba said

"Its the sacred gear and its owner finally being aligned" akeno said

"Let's win this!" He charged kokabiel with promoting to queen

[Insert ultimate battle]

Issei and david pulled a tag team move while rias and akeno prepared spells, rebecca kept her gun up.

Kokabiel laughed "yes come at me, this will be quite the interesting fight" he had to block the sword users who had more fighting spirit but in that same moment he didn't have time to block the double fist gut punch from the tag team.

The four of them moved away so rebecca could blast him while akeno and rias fired their magic

"Hahaha yes as expected of baraqiel's daughter" he revealed trying to make them lose concentration

"I am nothing like that creature!" Her power increased from her anger

"Akeno there is no room for getting angry we need to keep him immobilized before he has the chance to attack!" Issei said

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