The Assault to Save Rebecca

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Underworld, Below Diodora's Arena

"Hey, we really should talk, ophis, dragon god of infinity" [y/n] said

"About what, i've done my part i will be taking my leave" ophis said

'Why don't you tell him, that you knew of his mate's death plan, that you had the opportunity to stop it from happening' Great red said

"Excuse me what? You knew that rebecca would die, after all i did to help your goal, you just let me fall." [Y/n] asked

"I had no idea of this plan" she said but wasn't making eye contact

[Y/n] grabbed her chin and forced her to look him in the eye "ophis where is rebecca"

Back with the group, issei and vali turned back into their regular forms "hmm it seems ophis is hiding things from [y/n]"

"Do you think rebecca is alive and just made to seem like she died" issei inquired

Suddenly they watch [y/n] throw ophis to the ground and shout for everyone to hear "i hearby decree that you are now my enemy, for joining in a plot  attempted murder and being a toxic bitch"

"Fine then, next time we cross paths i'll wipe you and your family off the face of the universe" ophis said with scowl

With that, ophis disappeared and [y/n] turned to his friends who were looking at him in awe, waiting for an answer

"REBECCA LIVES!!" [Y/n] said making every cheer and others cry in joy

"Where is she located?" Lucy asked

"When she shattered, she was transported to a dungeon in the khaos brigade's base, that base is on the edge of the underworld" [y/n] revealed

"Which edge of the underworld" sirzechs asked which was answered with "the west side"

Sirzechs kinda paled that it was the west "i see, well i will request a guide that knows more of the west than us" 

"How the fuck are you a devil king if you don't explore the underworld" David asks

"I don't bave the time from politics but anyway i will try to get him to be your guide" sirzechs said

"Who is the him you are talking about" Issei questioned

"You'll know when you meet him, he might meet his little dog friend too since she might be a splitting image of him minus the dog features" Azazel said

Timeskip brought to you by V armwrestling with Jackie Wells to pay the tab

The group of devils, one squadron of angels led by irina, two squadrons of fallen angels led by baraquiel, edgerunners with rover, a valkyrie and [y/n] standing before a very old school, less modernized underworld.

"So this is the west, sirzechs wasn't kidding about the appearance but where is our guide" David asks

"So this is the west, sirzechs wasn't kidding about the appearance but where is our guide" David asks

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