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Narrator's POV

"Come, Lo'ak!" Y/N tugged his arm, pulling him towards the water with the rest of her friends. Today was their chance to learn how to ride Ilus. Y/N was paired with Neteyam - by choice, because she wanted to get to know Lo'ak's siblings more.

"Up! Up!" Y/N pushed Neteyam her the ilu, rushing him. "This is Shelly, my ilu." Y/N presented her ilu. Shelly rubbed her head against her stomach, wanting Y/N to fondle her, which she did. "You'll need to connect your braids. Feel her breath, her mind, and when you're ready, you can go." Y/N took a hold of Neteyam's braid, handing it over to him. She held Shelly's queue, facing it towards him, waiting for him to make the bond. He looked at her uncertainly, which Y/N sighed at this act and explained to him that "Ilus don't bond with one Na'vi in their life time." Once tsaheylu was made, Shelly widened her eyes abruptly, fluttering her body. "Easy, shh." Y/N stroked her head, and nodded at Neteyam for approval.

Y/N released Shelly out of her grasp once she started moving, and Neteyam was doing fine on the surface of the ocean. Y/N dunked her head into the water once Neteyam and Shelly plunged, and Neteyam seemed to battle the force of the water, and the water overpowered hum, which made him fly off Shelly. Y/N blew bubbles in the water, because she couldn't hold her laugh in. She resurfaced and called him over. "Again!"

After many attempts of Neteyam riding the ilu, he finally managed to get the hang of it. Y/N sat down on the sand at the shore, exhausted from training Neteyam, and watched Tuk and Lo'ak learn how to ride their ilus. From what Y/N heard - from Tsi'reya, Kiri self-taught herself on how to ride an ilu, too bad Neteyam couldn't teach himself how to do so. Y/N felt Neteyam's presence near hers as he sat down on the sand with a groan.

"So, you and Lo'ak?" Y/N expect Neteyam to start a conversation like that.

"What-! Ew! No!" Y/N shrieked, hitting Neteyam's shoulder, shuffling away. He winced and grabbed his shoulder. From afar, Y/N and Neteyam watched as Lo'ak failed riding an ilu again and saw Y/N's brother laughing at him, but in the criticism way. He put his hand to his mouth to enhance his call, but she couldn't hear what he said. "My brother is so annoying, isn't he?" Y/N asked Neteyam, shuffling back next to him.

"He is, I bet i'm a better brother." He replied.

"Alright, replace him then." She tittered. Neteyam chuckled and then laid down on the sand. "Just because you're my 'brother' now, it doesn't mean I'll love him any less than how much I love you, dear brother." She emphasised the last bit, making sure Neteyam heard every bit of it.

"It's dinner time, we should go." Neteyam stood up and Y/N followed after him.

"You gotta stop picking on them, Aonung." Y/N defended the darker skinned Na'vi. She was sitting with her clan associates, Tsi'reya, Aonung, and Roxto.

"If I have to be stuck with those freaks, I might as well just have some fun." Aonung replied. the oldest sister rolled her eyes, not wanting to reply, and just ate her food. He continued speaking after a solid ten seconds. "What's the deal with you and freaky boy?" Aonung asked his little sister. Roxto snickered.

Y/N looked up to see the three of them looking at her, Tsi'reya half-smiling, interested in what Y/N was going to say. "Nothing? Why?"

"Hm. You two seem close." Aonung hesitantly believed Y/N. She didn't reply to him once again, and just ignored him. Y/N finished up her food so she could go somewhere to escape seeing her nasty brother for a while.

Y/N sat down at a cove just North-West of the village, and sat down on the sand. She couldn't find anything to do, so she collected shells that sat on the sand. After collecting enough shells to her desire, she piled them next to her and laid down.

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