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Weeks passed since the war between the sky people and the Na'vi. Jake and his family wanted to set off, not wanting to cause any more trouble in their village. I was devastated hearing the news, until my father gave them an offer, which was to stay here, since they adapted nicely to our clan.

The scar on my chest fully healed, and it looks badass. I loved having it. Mainly because Lo'ak loves my flaws and told me that it's a sign that I fought through the brink of death.

"Rise and shine, buttercup." Lo'ak smiled, his head hovering over mine. I placed my hand on his face, pushing him away. He glared at me jokingly. "That is not a way to treat your cutie patootie." My lips scrunched, cringing at him.

"I'm hungry, go get me something." I told him. I was not in the mood for his cringy persona right now. He groaned in annoyance as he slouched his back, leaving the hut to go find something for me to eat. He came back a while later, tossing a Spartan fruit at me, and I caught it effortlessly. "Thanks." I plunged my teeth into it, sucking the juice and meat in the fruit.

Lo'ak came closer to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, placing his chin on my shoulder. "How are you doing?" He asked me. He placed his hand on my chest, caressing the bullet scar on me. I hummed at him with food in my mouth, using my voice to tell him to get off me. "You are not in a good mood today." He laughed.

I finished off the fruit, walking back over to Lo'ak who was sitting at the other side of the hut. I sat on his lap, hugging him. "Sorry, I was just hungry."

"It's all good princess." He laid down on the bed with me, us tangled to each other. We both fell into a sleeping state for a while.

"Y/N! Y/N!" Tuk kept on repeating my name, shaking my shoulders as I jolted awake.

"Tuk! What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Aonung can't teach me how to ride an ilu, and mum said I was ready to ride one now." She pouted at me. I sighed, relieved there was no danger. I tried to stand up but was stopped by a pair of hands on my stomach. Lo'ak whined, trying to keep me.

"Fuck off, Lo'ak." I said, slapping his hands jokingly. "C'mon, wake up." I pulled him up, forcing him to stand and follow us.

"Y/N!" Neteyam and Kiri said in unison. My sister and brother were with them, and they were trying to help Tuk ride her ilu.

"Hey guys." I hugged them all. "Are you guys teaching Tuk how to ride an ilu?" I asked them.

"We're all just watching, Aonung is supposed to teach her." Neteyam replied, making me roll my eyes.

"Watch this, I'm the master of teaching." I said sarcastically, pretending to crack my neck because of what's going to happen next.

A good 10 minutes later, Tuk could ride her ilu, faster than how Aonung taught her, which was well over an hour. I bowed at the audience before me, and they started clapping because they knew I expected an applause.

"Good try brother." I placed my hand on his shoulder, laughing. He just rolled his eyes at me.

Eclipse started to occur, and the teenagers, minus Tuk because she was sleeping, were all huddled around a fire, just talking about things.

"I can't believe you put the two through torture to get them together." Aonung rolled his eyes as 'Reya and Neteyam were telling the story about how they made us jealous.

"Trust me, we thought we took it too far, but it worked, right Tsi'reya?" Neteyam nudged her. She rolled her eyes.

"You mean I thought we took it too far. I promise you this isn't like me to do stuff like this." My sister tried to reassure everyone which made them all laugh.

"I forgive you guys." I giggled at them, huddling closer to Lo'ak, who had his arms around me. He placed a kiss on my head.

"Ew. Get a room." Kiri was grossed out by us.

"How about you and Spider get a room." Lo'ak spat back, mocking some cringy couple kisses. I kind of forgot he existed. They both rolled their eyes, laughing.

"Funny not." Roxto said, trying to contain his smile, but failed miserably.

"Get away from me Lo'ak." I pretended to gag as I shuffled away from him, but was violently pulled back towards him. He started tickling me, everyone laughing at the sight.

"I-" I howled in laughter. "I say!" "we throw!" I couldn't keep a full sentence.

"What's that buttercup?" Lo'ak said, still tickling me.

"Throw Lo'ak into the water!" I squealed. Lo'ak stopped tickling me, and he tried to run away before Neteyam and Aonung grabbed his limbs. Aonung had his legs, and Neteyam had his arms. They swung him off the pier once reaching there.

I heard Lo'ak do a manly scream once in the air, who thought that he thought he could fly? Lo'ak spazzed in the air, and splashed into the water. He resurfaced, running towards everyone. He kneeled in front of the fire, hugging his body.

"I hate you guys." I moved closer to him and hugged him, giving him warmth. Neteyam did the same but on the other side.

"Who's ready for scary stories?" Spider asked. I hope he gets killed by an akula.

"No!" My sister squealed, trying to run away but Roxto took her arms and forced her to stay. Oh how I wished my teenage years would never end.


Uwuwuwuwu I will make time to edit this story in like a while because I am literally sleep deprived and I need to watch the movie still wuwuuwuwuw

I also cant believe we got to the end of the story woohoo! I'm so grateful for all of the people that added this story to their reading list, voted, or even read it! Love you guys!

Also P.S, I'm a young teenager so I'm not that experienced at writing shit sooo I dont expect you to enjoy the repetitive words in this story.

Reccomend what book I should do next!

1063 words

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